Page 452 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 452

Measure R Traffic Relief and Rail Expansion Funds

                                                                                   2021-22             2022-23
                                                                               Adopted Budget     Proposed Budget
             CTIEP – Physical Plant – Funds are provided for the following projects   $        -  $             4,700,000
             in  the  Capital  and  Technology  Improvement  Expenditure  Program
             (CTIEP)  –  Physical  Plant:  7   Street  Streetscape  ($220,891),  Bridge
             Maintenance ($800,000), and Bike Lane Repair ($3,679,109).
             Automated Traffic Surveillance and  Control  (ATSAC)  System                   3,000,000   $             3,000,000
             Maintenance  -  Funds  are  provided  for  ongoing  maintenance
             requirements  such  as  camera  maintenance  and  replacement,
             replacement of items such as transceivers, receivers, servers, and fusion
             splicers, repair of trunk line breaks, software licensing, wireless and
             telephone drop connections, video wall maintenance, hub maintenance,
             replacement of hub buildings, and video central switcher maintenance.

             Bicycle Plan/Program – Other - Five percent of the estimated local       2,000,000           2,519,330
             return revenue is provided for bicycle projects within the City.

             Gender Equity in Transportation – Funds are provided for contractual              -            200,000
             services to develop a methodology to prioritize programs, projects, and
             resources that enhance the ways women, girls, and gender minorities
             travel and corresponding equity metrics.

             Great Streets - Funds are continued for one-time support for advanced              500,000               500,000
             planning and construction improvements on Great Street corridors.

             Median Island Maintenance - Funds are provided for the maintenance        1,000,000          1,000,000
             of median islands Citywide.

             Paint  and Sign Maintenance -  Funds  are  provided  to  support  the               1,800,000               1,800,000
             purchase of paint and sign maintenance equipment and supplies for
             striping and pavement markings for City streets. Additional funds are
             also provided in the Proposition C Anti-Gridlock Transit Fund ($100,000)
             and the Measure M Local Return Fund ($1,571,186).
             Pavement Preservation Overtime -  Funds  are  provided  for  the           700,000             700,000
             Department of Transportation’s Pavement Preservation overtime needs.
             Pedestrian Plan/Program - Five percent of the estimated local return               2,000,000               2,977,300
             revenue is provided for pedestrian projects within the City.

             Technology and Communications - Funds are provided for technology           25,000               25,000
             and communications requests.
             Vision Zero Contracts, Speed Surveys, Outreach Campaign - Funds            200,000             200,000
             are provided for education and outreach, campaign messaging, and the
             renewal  or  extension  of  speed  zone  surveys  along  the  High  Injury
             Network. For 2021-22 and 2022-23, $1.0 million in funding for education,
             outreach, and campaign messaging was also provided each year in the
             Measure M Local Return Fund.

             Reimbursement of General Fund Costs -  Funds  are  provided  to             18,492,891           21,255,087
             reimburse the General Fund for fringe benefits, central services, and
             department administration and support.

                               Subtotal Special Purpose Fund Appropriations   $           29,717,891   $           38,876,717

                                                 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS          $          59,884,946    $          71,750,443
   447   448   449   450   451   452   453   454   455   456   457