Page 453 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 453
The 2022-23 Proposed Budget for the Measure W Local Return Fund (Measure W) relates to current year funding as
Amount % Change
2021-22 Adopted Budget $ 32,671,072
2022-23 Proposed Budget $ 36,375,584
Change from 2021-22 Budget $ 3,704,512 11.3%
On November 6, 2018, County of Los Angeles voters approved Measure W – The Los Angeles Region Safe, Clean
Water Program (Measure W), a parcel tax of 2.5 cents per square foot of impermeable surface to support the costs of
stormwater-related projects and activities. Revenues are allocated to municipal, regional, and administrative sub-
programs. Forty percent of revenues are allocated to municipalities in the same proportion as the amount of revenues
collected within each municipality. Fifty percent is allocated for region-wide projects and is awarded on a competitive
basis. The remaining ten percent is allocated to the Los Angeles County Flood Control District for implementation and
administration of the Measure W Program. Eligible uses for revenues include projects that provide a water supply
and/or quality benefit and a community investment benefit. Measure W can be used to fund Enhanced Watershed
Management Program projects and the operation and maintenance of completed water quality improvement projects.
The County of Los Angeles has developed guidelines and funding eligibility requirements for the Measure W Program
and executed transfer agreements with the various municipalities. Measure W revenues collected by the County were
received in December 2021. The delay in revenues is attributed to the County’s reconciliation process. Pursuant to the
executed transfer agreement (C.F. 18-0384), funds for 2022-23 are expected to be received in October 2022.
Funding for eight new positions in the Bureau of Sanitation are included for fund management, regional project
development, and operations and maintenance support. In addition, funding for two new positions in the
Bureau of Engineering and one new position in the Board of Public Works are included for program support.
Funding for ten water quality projects ($15.0 million) is provided in the Capital and Technology Improvement
Expenditure Program (CTIEP) – Physical Plant Budget.