Page 464 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 464
Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund
SUPPORT PROGRAMS 2021-22 2022-23
Adopted Budget Proposed Budget
EPO Rapid Transit JPA - Funds are provided for the JPA annual $ 50,000 $ 50,000
membership with Eco Rapid Transit for the West Santa Ana Transit
Corridor Project.
LCTOP Free Fare - Funds are provided for free transit fare for 1,211,378 1,211,378
students through the State’s Low Carbon Transit Operations Program
Matching Funds - Measure R Projects/LRTP/30-10. Three percent in 20,000,000 25,000,000
matching funds is provided as part of the match contribution for
regional Measure R subway and rail construction projects, which are
constructed within City limits.
Memberships and Subscriptions 65,000 65,000
Office Supplies 15,000 15,000
Project Match Funds 30,000 30,000
Reserve for Future Transit Service - Funds are set aside for future 65,605,712 5,775,430
service needs, which may be used to offset potential shortfalls as
expenditures increase.
Ride and Field Checks - Funds are provided for an objective third 2,000,000 2,000,000
party to perform Ride and Field checks for transit vehicles, which will
standardize reporting and remove potential conflicts of interest.
Technology and Communications Equipment - Funds are provided 130,000 130,000
for a computer and server replacement program.
Transit Bus Communications - Funds are provided to install cellular 700,000 700,000
service, wireless service, and bus arrival information on buses
Transit Bus Security Services - Funds are provided for the Los 1,392,629 1,392,629
Angeles Police Department to provide transit security on DASH buses.
Transportation Grant Fund Matching Funds - Funds are provided 500,000 500,000
for eligible Transportation Grant Fund projects that will be determined
during 2022-23.
Travel and Training - Funds are provided for various transit-related 50,000 50,000
conferences and training programs.