Page 505 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 505

                               AND GOVERNMENT DEVELOPMENT

                                        BASIS FOR THE PROPOSED BUDGET

           The 2022-23 Proposed Budget for the Telecommunications and Public, Educational, and Government Development
           relates to current year funding as follows:

                                                               Amount                   % Change

                         2021-22 Adopted Budget            $      7,664,323

                         2022-23 Proposed Budget           $      8,428,399

                         Change from 2021-22 Budget        $        764,076                10%

           Sections  5.97  and  5.98  of  the  Los  Angeles  Administrative  Code  Section  establish  the  Telecommunications
           Development and the Public, Educational, and Government (PEG) Development funds. These funds receive revenue
           from public, educational, and governmental (PEG) access capital franchise fees, which represent one percent of
           cable companies’ gross receipts. Funds deposited to the Telecommunications Development Fund must be used for
           capital costs related to providing PEG access programming. Pursuant to Council File 16-0022, funds deposited to
           the PEG Development Fund are eligible to be used for PEG operational and capital costs. Funds from the PEG
           access capital franchise fees that are not appropriated for specific purposes are held in a reserve account. During
           2021-22,  Ordinance  No.  187363  was  approved  which  changed  the  name  of  the  former  Telecommunications,
           Liquidated  Damages  and  Lost  Franchise  Fees  Fund,  Telecommunications  Development  Account,  to  the
           Telecommunications Development and the PEG Development funds as described herein.

                                                                               2021-22              2022-23
           REVENUE                                                            Adopted              Proposed
           Cash Balance, July 1                                           $    34,292,102        $   34,684,007
             Prior Years’ Unexpended Appropriations                            32,700,779             32,355,608
           Balance Available, July 1                                      $     1,591,323        $   2,328,399

             PEG Access Capital Franchise Fees                                  6,073,000             6,100,000
                 Total Revenue                                            $     6,073,000        $   6,100,000

           Telecommunications and PEG Development Available Funds         $     7,664,323        $   8,428,399

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