Page 510 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 510
Unappropriated Balance
Minimum Wage Outreach - $200,000. Funding is set aside for the Bureau of Contract Administration to conduct
targeted outreach relative to the Minimum Wage Ordinance.
Mutual Aid Overtime - $3,000,000. Funding is set aside for sworn overtime for the Fire Department for mutual aid
response for fire and disaster response needs outside of the City boundaries.
MyLA311 Replacement - $1,000,000. Funding is set aside for the Information Technology Agency to replatform
the MyLA311 system to a modern cloud-based system. The Telecommunications and Public, Educational, and
Government Development fund includes additional funding ($567,649) as a special purpose fund appropriation.
Office of Public Accountability - $1,018,300. Funding is set aside for special studies, rate reviews, and other
administrative expenses. The Department of Water and Power will fully reimburse the City for these costs.
Opioid Settlement - $3,290,000. Funding is set aside to use opioid settlement funds for eligible purposes. Use of
these funds is contingent upon their receipt.
Outside Counsel including Workers’ Compensation - $1,500,000. Funding is set aside for the City Attorney to
retain outside counsel to assist in litigation and transactional matters. The City Attorney retains outside firms when
the type of litigation involved requires specialized expertise or where appropriate staffing resources are not available
in-house. Funding is transferred from the Unappropriated Balance to the City Attorney budget during the fiscal year
as needed, subject to the approval of the Mayor and City Council. This funding is separate from the
$4.25 million budgeted for law firms on the Attorney Conflicts Panel managed by the Office of the City Administrative
Repayment for Allocation of FEMA Reimbursement - $79,252,000. Funding is set aside to repay the Reserve
Fund and various other sources that provided front-funding or loans in anticipation of reimbursements from the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for pandemic related projects. The allocation of FEMA
reimbursements is contingent upon their receipt.
Reserve for Extraordinary Liability - $20,000,000. Funding is set aside as a reserve for liability payouts resulting
from judgments or settlements.
Reserve for Mid-Year Adjustments - $10,000,000. Funding is set aside to address shortfalls that may arise during
Revenue Collections Software Support and Technology - $700,000. Funding is set aside for the Office of
Finance to implement a new collections software that includes a database, case management, and automated
debt-related services used by the Office to collect delinquent debt ranging from taxes to fines. Funding is also set
aside to complete the LATAX cloud migration that began in 2021-22.
Social Equity Program - $3,000,000. Funding is set aside for the Department of Cannabis Regulation to support
the Cannabis Social Equity Program (SEP). Funding would be used to update and expand educational resources
and provide expanded direct technical assistance, including legal and financial services for social equity applicants.
Tree Planting and Tree Watering - $2,000,000. Funding is set aside for the Bureau of Street Services to plant and
water additional trees in low canopy, low-income neighborhoods.