Page 525 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 525
Homeless Budget
2021-22 Adopted 2022-23 Proposed
Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority Budget Budget
● Safe Parking – Funding was provided to continue five Safe Parking Programs for 2,266,650 -
families and individuals experiencing homelessness who are reliant on their
vehicles for shelter. Programs provide a safe parking location and related
services. In 2022-23, funding is continued under Shelter and Housing
● Shelter Program – The Shelter Program leverages over $2 million from U.S. 2,097,762 -
Department of Housing and Urban Development Emergency Solutions Grant
funding to increase emergency shelter bed capacity in the City by over 800
additional emergency shelter beds from November through March of each year.
This safety net program assists unsheltered individuals experiencing
homelessness during cold winter months. During a typical period of operation,
over 80,000 emergency shelter bed nights are provided within the city limits of Los
Angeles. In 2022-23, funding is continued under Shelter and Housing
● Storage Facility – Funding was provided to continue the Echo Park area regional 230,000 -
storage facility. Funding was previously provided through the General City
Purposes Fund. This facility is used to store personal property removed by LA
Sanitation during street cleanups in the Echo Park area. Unattended items are
stored for a period of 90 days after collection to allow property owners the
opportunity to reclaim their belongings. The service provider also coordinates safe
and convenient locations for property to be returned. In 2022-23, funding is
continued under Street Strategies.
● Los Angeles Continuum of Care (CoC) Administration - A CoC is a regional or - $3,492,448
local planning body that coordinates housing and services funding for homeless
families and individuals. The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA)
is the lead agency for the Los Angeles CoC. As the lead agency, LAHSA
coordinates crisis housing, provides critical, basic shelter for individuals and
families experiencing homelessness and in need of immediate housing, and
provides a point-of-entry into the Coordinated Entry System. The U.S. Department
of Housing and Urban Development awards LAHSA with annual grants and bonus
grants for the CoC and the City's cash match, along with the County of Los
Angeles, continues to leverage federal grant funds.
● Administration and Operations ($2,887,656)
● Continuum of Care Coordinated Assessment Match ($59,883)
● Continuum of Care Coordinated Assessment Bonus Match ($195,001)
● Continuum of Care Planning Program Grant Match ($156,250)
● Homeless Management Information System Cash Match ($193,658)
● Shelter and Housing Interventions - The Los Angeles Homeless Services - $14,107,732
Authority provides case management, counseling, and housing placement
services to participants, which allows program sponsors to more effectively
address the emergency, interim, transitional, and permanent housing needs of
vulnerable individuals and families experiencing homelessness in the City. This
category includes funding for all interim housing solutions, such as emergency
and crisis housing, bridge housing, Safe Parking, and Project Roomkey
Navigation Services, as well as the (Winter) Shelter Program, which provides up
to 703 shelter beds at 10 locations throughout the City from November through
● Coordinated Entry System Interim Housing for Families, Singles,
and Youth ($10,905,459)
● Project Roomkey Navigation Services ($500,000)
● Safe Parking ($1,141,538)
● Shelter Program ($1,560,735)