Page 528 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 528
Homeless Budget
2021-22 Adopted 2022-23 Proposed
Budget Budget
Community Investment for Families
● Domestic Violence Shelter Operations Support – Funding was provided for 1,861,375 -
the Domestic Violence Shelter Operations Program to maintain the current level
of services. Funding was provided for three positions consisting of one Senior
Project Coordinator, two Management Analysts, and contractual services
funding. Partial funding was provided by the Community Development Trust Fund
($118,828) and the Community Services Block Grant Trust Fund ($80,773). In
2022-23, funding is provided under Shelter Operations.
● Expansion of Domestic Violence Shelter Operations – Funding is provided for 1,500,000 42,354
one Administrative Clerk to provide additional support for the Domestic Violence
Shelter Operations. Funding is provided by the Community Services Block Grant
Trust Fund ($16,942) and the Community Development Trust Fund ($25,412). In
2022-23, funding is provided under Shelter Operations.
● Human Trafficking Shelter Pilot Program – Funding is provided for the Human 800,000 -
Trafficking Shelter Pilot Program to offer safe, conditional housing through two 24-
hour shelters. In 2022-23, funding is provided under Shelter Operations.
● Shelter Operations – Funding is provided for contractual services for the - 3,881,436
Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking Shelter Operations Programs.
● Solid Ground Program – Funding is provided for the Solid Ground - 1,603,296
Homelessness Prevention Program to provide homelessness prevention services
at 16 FamilySource Centers. Funding is provided for three positions consisting of
two Management Analysts and one Accountant, contractual services, office and
administrative, and lease costs. Partial funding is provided by the Home
Investment Partnership Program Fund ($73,135). In 2021-22, $4,000,000 was
budgeted in the Unappropriated Balance for the expansion of the program to 16
FamilySource Centers for a one-year contract term. The proposed amount for
2022-23 is to continue the program and fund a contract extension for an
additional four months.
● Disability and Homeless Services Analyst – Funding is provided for one - 48,555
Management Analyst to provide support for the department's disability and
homelessness initiatives.
● HIV and Homelessness Pilot Program – Funding is continued in the 200,000 200,000
Contractual Services Account for the HIV and Homelessness Pilot Program and
other HIV prevention services.
● Homeless Services Coordinator – Funding is continued for one Community - 64,970
Program Assistant I, subject to pay grade determination by the City
Administrative Officer, Employee Relations Division, to connect people with
disabilities facing homelessness with the City's temporary housing sites, conduct
visits to those sites, and establish relationships with homeless providers with
temporary housing participants. Funding was added in the interim for this
purpose in 2021-22 ($34,927) and is continued and increased in 2022-23.
● Syringe Exchange – Funding is continued to provide syringe exchange to 30,000 30,000
homeless individuals with HIV/AIDS.
● Unified Homeless Response Center Staff Enhancement – Funding is 84,982 85,309
continued for one Community Program Assistant II to act as a liaison between
the Department, the Mayor's Unified Homeless Response Center, and the City's
Comprehensive Homeless Strategy stakeholders.