Page 532 - 2022-23 Blue Book Vol 2
P. 532
Homeless Budget
2021-22 Adopted 2022-23 Proposed
Budget Budget
Public Works, Bureau of Sanitation
● CARE Hazardous Waste Removal Services – Funding is continued for 3,401,000 3,401,000
hazardous waste removal services as part of the City's comprehensive cleaning
program through the CARE teams.
● CARE/CARE+ Administrative Program Support – Funding is provided for 14 - 1,127,924
positions consisting of five Management Analysts, one Senior Administrative
Clerk, five Administrative Clerks, one Accounting Clerk to provide administrative,
and two Senior Management Analyst Is, subject to pay grade determination by
the City Administrative Officer, Employee Relations Division to support the CARE
teams. These positions were approved during 2021-22 (C.F. 21-0031) to oversee
the CARE programs.
● CARE/CARE+ Program Support – Funding is provided for three positions 160,036 330,376
consisting of one Senior Management Analyst I, one Service Coordinator, and
one Management Analyst to support the CARE/CARE+ teams. The proposed
increase is reflects anticipated salary expenditures.
● CARE+ Expansion – Funding was provided for 20 positions consisting of one 3,264,786 -
Senior Environmental Compliance Inspector, four Environmental Compliance
Inspectors, one Refuse Collection Supervisor, six Refuse Collections Truck
Officer IIs, and eight Maintenance Laborers for two additional CARE+ teams.
CARE and CARE+ were combined into one request under Comprehensive
Cleaning and Rapid Engagement Program (CARE/CARE+).
● CARE+ Expansion Second Shift Team – Funding is provided for 11 positions - 432,473
consisting of one Refuse Collection Supervisor, one Senior Environmental
Compliance Inspector, two Environmental Compliance Inspectors, three Refuse
Collection Operator IIs, and four Maintenance Laborers to form an additional
CARE+ team on a second shift.
● Clean Streets Safety and Training Program – Funding is included in the base 86,820 91,816
budget for one Refuse Crew Field Instructor to conduct training on the proper and
safe operation of refuse collection vehicles and equipment. In addition, this
position will proactively identify and correct work hazards and train employees on
proper work techniques and field practices to prevent injuries. The proposed
increase reflects anticipated salary expenditures. There will be no change to the
level of services provided.
● Clean Streets Vehicle Rentals – Funding is continued for the the Clean Streets 1,518,000 1,518,000
Program to address illegal dumping, alleyway cleanups, and homeless
encampments. Funding for the Clean Streets Program is provided directly in the
Bureau of Sanitation operating budget. Funds were previously provided in the
General City Purposes Budget to reimburse the Solid Waste Resources Revenue
Fund for indirect costs for the Clean Streets Program including vehicle fuel,
vehicle depreciation, and fleet maintenance expenses. The Bureau has moved
from using vehicles from the Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund to procuring
rental services for the vehicles needed for the CARE teams. This request
supports homeless encampment clean-ups in addition to other waste removal
operations in the public right-of-way.