Page 11 - FY 2022-23 Budget Summary
P. 11


                                   & Economic                       EXPANSION OF THE GOOD

                                  Development                       FOOD ZONE PROGRAM

                                                                    $250,000 is allocated for the
                                           c o n t i n u e d        expansion of the Good Food Zone
                                                                    program into the neighborhoods of
                                                                    Pacoima and Sylmar. The Good Food
                                                                    Zone program was launched in 2020
                      UPGRADES AT THE LOS ANGELES                   and was designed to bring food-
                      CONVENTION CENTER                             centered community economic
                                                                    development into food desert
                      The Proposed Budget includes over             communities. Services and incentives
                      $21 million in capital improvements at        include marketing materials, technical
                      the L.A. Convention Center. These             assistance, and grants to qualified
                      include safety upgrades, such as LED          businesses to expand access to
                      light retrofits and elevator upgrades,        healthy food and to promote new
                      and larger-scale upgrades, such as the        business models and innovation.
                      renovation of the concession stands
                      and service pantries.
                                                                    CANNABIS SOCIAL
                                                                    EQUITY PROGRAM
                      REAL ESTATE & FACILITIES
                      REDEVELOPMENT                                 A third-year allocation of $3 million is
                                                                    included for the Department’s Social
                      Funding is provided to launch this            Equity Program, which provides
                      new division within the Economic &            educational resources and direct
                      Workforce Development Department.             technical assistance, including legal
                      This new division will be dedicated to        and financial services, for social equity
                      activating under-utilized real estate         applicants. In order to continue to
                      assets that will result in increased          foster a thriving and equitable legal
                      public revenues for the City.                 cannabis industry in the city, the
                                                                    Proposed Budget expands staffing
                                                                    within the Department of Cannabis
                      SUMMER YOUTH                                  Regulation to expand engagement
                      EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM                            and cannabis business outreach in

                      Funding is continued for the Summer           order to ensure that businesses stay
                      Youth Employment Program, which               up-to-date and are in compliance with
                      provides young Angelenos with                 State and City regulations. Additional
        A PROSPEROUS CITY                                           enforcement.     FY 22-23 PROPOSED BUDGET     |     9
                                                                    funding is also provided for
                      employment opportunities, workforce
                                                                    unauthorized cannabis business
                      training, and financial literacy.
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