Page 143 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 143

General Services
                                                  SUPPORTING DATA
                             DISTRIBUTION OF 2022-23 TOTAL COST OF PROGRAMS

                                                AL4007       FQ4008        FQ4009        FR4010        FR4011
                                              Emergency    Fleet Services  Fuel and    Standards and    Supply
                                              Management                 Environmental   Testing     Management
                                              and Special                 Compliance     Services

           Salaries                               1,019,354    46,272,571     1,567,391    8,771,443    17,967,419
           Expense                                 177,101     37,806,975    43,461,787      502,717       471,122
           Equipment                                    -        160,000            -             -             -

           Special                                      -             -             -             -             -
           Total Departmental Budget              1,196,455    84,239,546    45,029,178    9,274,160    18,438,541

           Support Program Allocation               31,502      2,273,420       78,756       404,280     1,118,333

           Related and Indirect Costs
           Pensions and Retirement                 171,316     12,363,290      428,289     2,198,553     6,081,711
           Human Resources Benefits                114,067      8,231,843      285,168     1,463,861     4,049,382

           Water and Electricity                    10,068       726,552        25,169       129,202       357,404
           Building Services                        40,980      2,957,419      102,451       525,915     1,454,804
           Other Department Related Costs           43,469      3,136,995      108,672       557,849     1,543,140

           Capital Finance and Wastewater          189,376     13,666,628      473,440     2,430,324     6,722,845
           Bond Interest and Redemption                 -             -             -             -             -
           Liability Claims                           542         39,112         1,355         6,955       19,241

           Judgement Obligation Bond Debt Service       -             -             -             -             -
           Other Special Purpose Allocations            -             -             -             -             -
           Non-Department Allocations               24,638      1,778,058       61,596       316,191       874,657

           Subtotal Related Costs                  594,456     42,899,897     1,486,140    7,628,850    21,103,184

           Cost Allocated to Other Departments   (1,822,413)  (129,412,863)  (46,594,074)  (17,307,290)  (40,660,058)

           Total Cost of Program                        -             -             -             -             -

           Positions                                    6           433            15            77           213

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