Page 145 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 145


           The Housing Department develops Citywide housing policy and supports viable urban communities by advocating for
           safe and livable neighborhoods through the promotion, development, and preservation of decent and safe affordable
           housing and by expanding economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate- income individuals to improve
           access and livability through place-based strategies. The Department's key programs are Development and Finance,
           Asset Management, Rent Stabilization, Multi-family Residential Code Enforcement, Code and Rent Compliance,
           Commissions and Community Engagement, Program Operations, and Accessible Housing Program.

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures     Budget       Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2020-21        2021-22        2021-22                                                    2022-23

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

              64,623,318     67,718,429    59,458,000 Salaries General                                  69,223,391
                246,713        323,216        452,000 Salaries, As-Needed                                  403,216
                 86,532        112,892        201,000 Overtime General                                     167,892
              64,956,563     68,154,537    60,111,000 Total Salaries                                    69,794,499

                181,610        234,197        309,000 Printing and Binding                                 600,197
                      -         13,946         15,000 Travel                                                13,946
               8,985,318      3,195,544     5,507,000 Contractual Services                               4,508,825
                253,130        346,770        350,000 Transportation                                       346,770
               1,160,189       639,712      1,177,000 Office and Administrative                            632,267
               2,897,505      4,121,880     7,484,000 Leasing                                            4,121,880
              13,477,752      8,552,049    14,842,000 Total Expense                                     10,223,885

              78,434,315     76,706,586    74,953,000 Total Housing                                     80,018,384

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