Page 245 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 245

Human Resources Benefits

               Actual         Adopted         Estimated                                                 Total
            Expenditures       Budget       Expenditures                                               Budget
              2020-21         2021-22         2021-22                                                 2022-23

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS
                                                          ALLOC rollup
               308,626,888     300,562,135     293,708,000 Civilian FLEX Program                       302,239,883
                22,493,950      27,340,610      31,141,000 Contractual Services                         32,681,187
                 1,915,325       1,819,799       1,820,000 Employee Assistance Program                   1,827,660
                61,874,622      62,490,427      62,476,000 Fire Health and Welfare Program              64,289,404
               158,384,749     160,760,130     157,260,000 Police Health and Welfare Program           163,032,352
                 6,446,021       5,937,609       5,765,000 Supplemental Civilian Union Benefits          5,828,612
                 9,294,640       3,000,000       3,800,000 Unemployment Insurance                        3,800,000
               215,914,589     212,467,000     212,467,000 Workers' Compensation/Rehabilitation        231,632,000
                         -    (774,377,710)              - Cost Allocated to Other Departments                   -

               784,950,784     774,377,710     768,437,000 Total Human Resources Benefits              805,331,098

               Actual         Adopted         Estimated                                                 Total
            Expenditures       Budget        Expenditures                                              Budget
              2020-21          2021-22         2021-22                                                 2022-23
                                                   SOURCES OF FUNDS

               784,950,784     774,377,710     768,437,000 General Fund                                 805,331,098
               784,950,784     774,377,710      768,437,000 Total Funds                                 805,331,098

                                                   SUPPORTING DATA

                             DISTRIBUTION OF 2022-23 APPROPRIATIONS BY PROGRAMS
                  Code/Program            Salaries      Expenses       Equipment        Special         Budget
          Human Resources Benefits                  -              -              -     805,331,098     805,331,098
          Total                                     -              -              -     805,331,098     805,331,098

                                DISTRIBUTION OF 2022-23 TOTAL COST OF PROGRAMS

                                                         Support                      Allocated to
                                                         Program         Related         Other
                                          Budget        Allocation       Costs          Budgets          Total
          Human Resources Benefits        805,331,098              -              -               -     805,331,098
           Total                          805,331,098              -              -               -     805,331,098

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