Page 249 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 249

Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund

           The Proposition A Local Transit Assistance (PALTA) Fund provides for the utilization of one-half cent sales tax revenues
           for the planning, administration, and operation of Citywide public transportation programs.  Proposed appropriations
           comply with the Proposition A Local Return Program Guidelines adopted by the Los Angeles County Transportation
           Commission, which administers this program approved by the voters in November 1980.  This schedule reflects
           appropriations for non-departmental items. Appropriations to departmental budgets are shown in Section 2 Part II and
           Section 2 Part III.

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures      Budget      Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2020-21        2021-22        2021-22                                                    2022-23
                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

                                                     Proposition A Local Transit Assistance Fund (Sch. 26)

                  33,303              -             - 6th Street/Arts District Metro Station                     -
                       -        381,000       381,000 Arts District/6th Street Metro Station EIR                 -
                7,065,515    10,000,000             - Bikeshare Operations and Maintenance              15,000,000
                1,471,875     7,000,000      7,000,000 Bus Facility Purchase Program                     7,000,000
                 913,109              -             - Bus Inspection and Maintenance Facility                    -
                 790,382      2,000,000      2,000,000 Cityride Fare Card                                2,766,800
                       -              -             - Cityride Fleet Replacement                        13,500,000
                 105,105              -             - Cityride Scrip                                             -
               12,605,168             -             - Community DASH - Fleet Replacement                         -
                       -         50,000        50,000 Eco Rapid Transit JPA                                 50,000
                       -        600,000       600,000 Facility Lease                                       600,000
                5,658,271             -             - FTA CARES COVID-19 Recovery Funds                          -
                       -         15,000        15,000 Inspection Travel Fleet Rep Procurement               15,000
                       -      1,211,378      1,211,000 LCTOP Free Fare for Students                      1,211,378
                1,451,327     3,000,000      3,000,000 Marketing City Transit Program                    3,000,000
               20,000,000    20,000,000     20,000,000 Matching Funds - Measure R Projects/LRPT/30-10   25,000,000
                  20,598         65,000        65,000 Memberships and Subscriptions                         65,000
                   1,945         15,000        15,000 Office Supplies                                       15,000
                 920,276      1,250,000      1,250,000 Paratransit Program Coordinator Services          2,016,800
                       -         30,000        30,000 Project Match Funds                                   30,000
                       -     65,605,712             - Reserve for Future Transit Service                 5,775,430
                       -      2,000,000      2,000,000 Ride and Field Checks                             2,000,000
                3,238,617     3,708,000      3,708,000 Senior Cityride Program                           8,590,000
                  15,576        890,000       890,000 Senior/Youth Transportation Charter Bus Program      890,000
                                                      Smart Technology for DASH and Commuter
                1,061,923     5,400,000      5,400,000                                                           -
                                                      Express Buses
                       -      2,750,000      2,750,000 Solar Signs                                       2,750,000
                  78,735        130,000       130,000 Technology and Communications Equipment              130,000
                  45,725              -             - Third Party Inspections for Transit Capital                -
                       -        700,000       700,000 Transit Bus Communications                           700,000
                1,712,666     1,392,629      1,392,629 Transit Bus Security Services                     1,392,629
                       -      2,000,000      2,000,000 Transit Facility Security and Maintenance         2,000,000

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