Page 252 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 252

Special Parking Revenue Fund

           The Special Parking Revenue Fund provides for the utilization of all monies collected from parking meters and City-
           owned parking lots in the City of Los Angeles. This schedule reflects appropriations for non-departmental items.
           Appropriations to departmental budgets are shown in Section 2 Part II.

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures      Budget      Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2020-21        2021-22        2021-22                                                    2022-23

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS
                                                     Special Parking Revenue Fund (Sch. 11)

                 146,500              -             - Blossom Plaza Easements and Improvements                   -
                 424,405      5,800,000      4,640,000 Capital Equipment Purchases                       6,890,000
                2,075,590     3,000,000      3,000,000 Collection Services                               3,000,000
               14,674,859    23,000,000     22,500,000 Contractual Services                             23,000,000
                                                      Maintenance, Repair, & Utility Service for Off-Street
                1,356,018     2,500,000      2,500,000                                                   2,500,000
                   5,648         60,000        60,000 Miscellaneous Equipment                               60,000
                       -        360,000       360,000 Parking Facilities Lease Payments                    840,000
                5,012,769     6,208,604      5,500,000 Parking Meter and Off-Street Parking Administration  6,618,000
                  14,596        500,000       500,000 Parking Studies                                      500,000
                 120,490              -             - Proportionate Share - Code the Curb Project                -
                1,018,208     1,400,000      1,400,000 Replacement Parts, Tools and Equipment            1,400,000
                 218,000              -             - Transportation Grant Matching Funds                        -
                   1,774              -             - Travel and Training                                   32,000
                       -      7,365,267      5,600,254 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs               7,776,256

              25,068,857     50,193,871     46,060,254 Total Special Parking Revenue Fund               52,616,256

              Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                      Total
            Expenditures     Budget      Expenditures                                                   Budget
              2020-21       2021-22        2021-22                                                      2022-23

                                                   SOURCES OF FUNDS
               25,068,857     50,193,871     46,060,254 Special Parking Revenue Fund (Sch. 11)           52,616,256
               25,068,857     50,193,871     46,060,254 Total Funds                                      52,616,256

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