Page 253 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 253

Unappropriated Balance

           Charter Section 312 requires that an amount known as the Unappropriated Balance be included in the Budget to be
           available for appropriations later in the fiscal year to meet contingencies as they arise.

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures      Budget      Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2020-21        2021-22        2021-22                                                    2022-23
                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS

                                                     General Fund
                       -        500,000             - Abandoned Vehicle Task Force                               -
                       -      2,000,000             - Acquisition of 710 Surplus Properties                      -
                       -      3,695,344             - Amortization Study of Oil Sites                            -
                       -      1,000,000             - Angeleno Connect Program                                   -
                       -      5,000,000             - Angeleno Corps                                             -
                       -        550,000             - Animal Sterilization Trust Fund                      500,000
                                                      Basic Income Guaranteed: L.A. Economic
                       -     29,000,000             -                                                            -
                                                      Assistance Pilot
                       -     25,000,000             - Business Assistance Programs                               -
                       -              -             - California False Claims Act Settlement             4,325,250
                       -              -             - Cardiac Monitors                                     850,000
                       -      1,500,000             - Census 2020/Redistricting Commission                       -
                       -     20,000,000             - Child Care and Learning Centers                            -
                       -     10,000,000             - Child Care Business Assistance                             -
                       -        623,875             - Climate Action Plan                                        -
                       -      2,000,000             - Commercial Cannabis Business Enforcement                   -
                       -     13,649,000             - Community Initiatives                                      -
                                                      Comprehensive Cleaning and Rapid Engagement
                       -      8,500,000             -                                                            -
                       -              -             - County Election Expenses - November 2022          10,000,000
                       -     25,000,000             - COVID-19 Emergency Response                                -
                       -              -             - Department Payroll Reconciliation                 93,000,000
                       -      5,000,000             - Digital Inclusion                                          -
                                                      Equipment, Expenses, and Alterations &
                       -      4,544,725             -                                                    7,169,725
                       -              -             - Fair Work Week                                     2,000,000
                       -        277,488             - False Alarm Program                                        -
                       -     13,270,000             - Fire Department Compensation Adjustments                   -
                       -              -             - FMS Training                                       1,000,000
                       -      1,000,000             - Food Rescue in Food Insecure Communities                   -
                       -      7,045,000             - Gang Reduction and Youth Development                       -
                       -         50,000             - General                                               50,000
                       -              -             - Graffiti Abatement Strike Teams                    1,670,000
                                                      Ground Emergency Medical Transport QAF
                       -      6,700,000             -                                                    6,700,000
                       -        123,875             - Health and Environmental Justice Element                   -

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