Page 25 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 25

programs. The City Council can only appropriate funds from this Account by at least a majority vote and
               with Mayoral concurrence. Funds for new programs or positions added outside of the current year budget
               should come from other non-Reserve Fund sources.
               Budget Stabilization Fund

               The Budget Stabilization Fund provides a method to prevent overspending during high revenue growth
               years  and  provide  resources  to  help  maintain  service  levels  during  years  of  slow  revenue  growth  or
               declining revenue.
               Unappropriated Balance Line Item for Mid-Year Adjustments

               Each  year,  the  City  Council  and  Mayor  shall  appropriate  funds  to  a  line  item  in  the  Unappropriated
               Balance  intended  for  use  as  a  reserve  for  mid-year  adjustments.  The  purpose  of  this  line  item  is  to
               address shortfalls that arise during the fiscal year that the City cannot otherwise address through service
               adjustments  or  account  transfers.  The  City  shall  use  this  line  item  to  address  these  shortfalls  prior  to
               using the Reserve Fund.

                                          GENERAL FUND ENCUMBRANCE POLICY

               An  encumbrance  is  a  reservation  of  funds  to  cover  purchase  orders,  contracts,  or  other  goods  and
               services  that  are  chargeable  to  an  appropriation.  It  records  obligations  for  goods  or  services  not  yet
               received  or  rendered  in  amounts  equal  to  their  anticipated  costs.  An  encumbrance  system  provides  a
               warning as the City approaches the authorized expenditure level and thus protects the City from over-
               spending an appropriation.

               As a rule, the City shall revert any encumbered funds that remain unspent for a period longer than one
               fiscal  year.  An exception  to this  policy  applies to encumbrances for commodities procurements,  which
               include supplies or equipment. These encumbered funds shall revert if they remain unspent for a period
               longer  than  three  years.  Further  exemptions  apply  to  legal  obligations,  contingent  liabilities  such  as
               pending  legal  settlements,  or  an  appropriation  for  a  project  that  the  authorized  department  cannot
               complete within the allowable timeframe.

                                                DEBT MANAGEMENT POLICY

               The  Debt  Management  Policy  provides  guidelines  for  the  issuance  of  bonds  and  other  forms  of
               indebtedness to finance the acquisition of real property and equipment, capital improvements, and other
               matters for the City including short-term cash flow and large legal judgments. This policy incorporates the
               Municipal Improvement Corporation of Los Angeles Departmental Operating Policies and the Mello-Roos
               Policies and Procedures.

               The following represent key objectives of the Debt Management Policy:

                      To  mitigate  risk  and  support  sound  decision-making  with  regard  to  long-term  financing
                      To  comply  with  federal  and  state  laws  and  regulations,  including  disclosure  and  reporting
                      To incorporate best practices into the City’s issuance and management of its debt obligations.
                      To  ensure  that  the  City’s  debt  is  consistent  with  the  City’s  planning  goals  and  objectives  and
                       capital improvement program or budget, as applicable.
                      To minimize the cost of debt.
                      To maintain and improve the City’s ratings on its debt.
                      To  establish  selection  criteria  for  retaining  the  best-qualified  financial  consultants,  attorneys,
                       underwriters, and other financing participants through fair procurement processes.

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