Page 273 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
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Other Special Purpose Funds

               Actual        Adopted       Estimated                                                    Total
            Expenditures      Budget      Expenditures                                                 Budget
              2020-21        2021-22        2021-22                                                    2022-23

                                        EXPENDITURES AND APPROPRIATIONS
                2,014,663             -             - Florence Morehouse                                         -
                 266,609        960,000      1,333,000 Outside Auditor                                     960,000
                 608,815        502,000       919,000 Plaintiff Counsel                                    452,000
                       -              -             - Relocation Consultant                                605,564
                       -      3,210,560             - Retrofit                                           1,300,000
                1,655,550             -      4,762,000 Technical Services                                        -
                     236         49,255        91,000 Translation Services                                  49,255
                4,266,841     5,430,401      5,084,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs               6,239,147
                                                     Household Hazardous Waste Fund (Sch. 39)

                   4,339      5,904,690      4,527,000 PW-Sanitation Expense and Equipment               2,774,095
                 160,721        100,880       100,000 Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund (Schedule 2)      111,145
                  20,000         20,000        20,000 Zoo Enterprise Trust Fund (Schedule 44)               20,000
                 723,437        535,722       535,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                  444,007

                                                     Building and Safety Building Permit Fund (Sch. 40)

                  92,544      2,500,000      2,000,000 Alterations and Improvements                      2,300,000
                  52,314        100,000       100,000 Bank Fees                                            100,000
                7,090,443    17,028,000     17,028,000 Building and Safety Contractual Services         21,013,000
                2,430,079     2,127,000      2,027,000 Building and Safety Expense and Equipment         3,804,000
                 583,758        550,000       550,000 Building and Safety Lease Costs                      634,000
                  98,899        373,000       373,000 Building and Safety Training                         937,000
                       -              -             - Code Enforcement Inspection System                 3,600,000
                 129,040              -             - Engineering Special Service Fund                           -
               56,600,300    56,601,000     59,302,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              73,886,190
                       -    278,138,642             - Reserve for Future Costs                         286,200,548
                       -        200,000       200,000 Special Services Costs                               200,000
                3,007,672     7,349,000      7,349,000 Systems Development Project Costs                 2,544,000
                 239,940              -             - Universal Cashiering                                       -

                                                     Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Fund (Sch. 41)
                  55,469         90,000        90,000 Outside Auditor                                       90,000
                 186,641        164,875       171,000 Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                  256,356

                                                     Systematic Code Enforcement Fee Fund (Sch. 42)

                   2,196         30,000        69,000 Code Enforcement Training                             30,000
                  50,502              -         6,000 Code Enforcement (SCEP) Fee Study                          -
                1,154,096       828,000      3,711,000 Contract Programming - Systems Upgrades           1,170,000
                   4,872              -         5,000 Engineering Special Service Fund                       5,000
                 171,010        245,000       453,000 Hearing Officer Contract                             245,000

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