Page 317 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 317

          SCHEDULE 16
                                         CONVENTION CENTER REVENUE FUND
          Section 8.148 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code establishes the Convention Center Revenue Fund.  All revenues derived from
          the operation of the Convention Center shall be paid at the direction of the Executive Director of the Convention Center into either
          accounts maintained by the private entity under contract with the City to manage, operate, and maintain the Convention Center or
          into the fund.  Such funds may be used for the expense of operation, management, maintenance, and improvement of the Center.
               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2020-21         2021-22                                                                 2022-23
                19,212,630       14,651,532  Cash Balance, July 1                                        14,390,532
                        -                -  CUSTDEPO1 Customer Deposits and Other Liabilities              260,729
                        -                -  LACCRESERVE1 LACC Private Operator Reserve                    9,129,803
                19,212,630        14,651,532  Balance Available, July 1                                   5,000,000
                 6,078,894        6,175,000  11,736 Convention Revenues                                   1,231,756
                10,524,589        18,997,000  11,771.5 LACC Private Operator Receipts                    26,865,369
                35,816,113        39,823,532  Total Revenue                                              33,097,125

          EXPENDITURES                                                APPROPRIATIONS
                 1,045,819        1,030,000  221 City Tourism                                             1,231,756
                    3,121             4,000  465 Information Technology Agency                                   -
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                14,345,462        19,099,000  2,329  LACC Private Operator Account                       25,615,052
                 5,000,000        5,000,000  2,330  LACC Private Operator Cash Flow                       5,000,000
                        -                -  2,331  LACC Private Operator Reserve                           768,389
                   770,179          300,000  2,336  Reimbursement of General Fund Costs                    481,928

                21,164,581        25,433,000  Total Appropriations                                       33,097,125
                14,651,532        14,390,532  Ending Balance, June 30                                           -

          LACC Private Operator Reserve reflects the balance of the reserve account held by the private operator of the Los Angeles
          Convention Center.
          LACC Private Operator Receipts reflect operating revenue generated by the Los Angeles Convention Center (Convention Center),
          which is collected and managed by the private operator in a private operating account, pursuant to the Management Agreement
          between the City and the private operator.
          LACC Private Operator Account reflects private account from which the private operator manages and spends revenue collected
          from operating the Convention Center, pursuant to the Management Agreement.

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