Page 319 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
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          SCHEDULE 18
                                        NEIGHBORHOOD EMPOWERMENT FUND
          Section 5.517 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code established the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment Fund. The Fund
          was created for the deposit and disbursement of funds appropriated to the Department for its operations and for the startup and
          function of neighborhood councils. All costs and expenses incurred in the operation of the Department shall be paid solely from the
               Actual          Estimated                                                               Budget
               2020-21         2021-22                                                                 2022-23
                   478,939          373,884  Cash Balance, July 1                                          223,884
                   478,939          373,884  Balance Available, July 1                                     223,884
                 2,605,044        2,873,000  11,759 General Fund                                          3,590,478
                    15,000               -  11,806 Reimbursement from Other Agencies                            -
                    29,550           15,000  11,840 Other Receipts                                          15,000
                 3,128,533        3,261,884  Total Revenue                                                3,829,362

          EXPENDITURES                                                APPROPRIATIONS
                        -             4,000  463 Information Technology Agency                                   -
                 2,647,288        2,995,000  501 Neighborhood Empowerment                                 3,625,962
                                             Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:
                    7,806            18,000  2,217  Congress/Budget Advocacy Account                             -
                    14,670           21,000  2,270  Neighborhood Council Budget Advocacy                         -
                        -                -  2,271  Neighborhood Empowerment - Future Year                  203,400
                    84,885               -  10,554.63  Reimbursement to General Fund                             -
                 2,754,649        3,038,000  Total Appropriations                                         3,829,362

                   373,884          223,884  Ending Balance, June 30                                            -

          *The detail of the Neighborhood Council Funding Program appropriation is in the Non-Departmental section of the Detail of
          Department Programs, Volume II.

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