Page 330 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 330

          SCHEDULE 27
          Public Utilities Code Section 130350 provides that the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission may adopt a sales tax within
          the County, provided that it is approved by a majority of the electors.  A one-half cent sales tax is collected to improve transit service
          and operations, reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality, efficiently operate and improve the condition of streets and freeways
          utilized by public transit, and reduce foreign fuel dependence.
          The City receives funds from a 20 percent share of the revenues collected based on a per capita allocation.  Funds may be used for
          public transit, paratransit, and repairing and maintaining streets used by public transit. The Los Angeles County Metropolitan
          Transportation Authority retains funding from the City's total Proposition C revenue allocation for a debt service payment.

               Actual          Estimated                                                                Budget
               2020-21         2021-22                                                                 2022-23
                 23,449,111       31,886,645  Cash Balance, July 1                                        28,578,630
                         -               -  PYUNEXPAPPR1 Prior Years' Unexpended Appropriations          14,995,313
                23,449,111        31,886,645  Balance Available, July 1                                  13,583,317
                  1,120,432         362,000  11,748.5 Construction Traffic Management Fee                   361,957
                  8,455,904        8,042,000  11,776 Metro Rail Projects Reimbursement                    8,041,766
                 67,424,521       67,182,139  11,800 Proposition C Local Transit Tax                      79,394,661
                  5,680,561               -  11,806 Reimbursement from Other Agencies                            -
                   329,760                -  11,806.5 Reimbursement from Other Funds                             -
                         -          687,000  11,829 Interest Transfer from Transportation Grant Fund        687,224
                         -         5,711,867  11,830 Transportation Grant Fund Salary Reimbursement       5,571,867
                    22,107                -  11,840 Other Receipts                                               -
                   832,992          392,206  11,842 Interest                                                437,253
                107,315,388      114,263,857  Total Revenue                                              108,078,045

          EXPENDITURES                                           APPROPRIATIONS
                    72,953           82,000  87 City Administrative Officer                                 80,276
                   196,854          217,000  113 City Attorney                                             227,080
                   625,250          578,000  393 General Services                                          742,277
                   141,363               -  495 Mayor                                                      141,363
                   248,146          273,000  523 Personnel                                                 318,052
                   108,203           85,000  585 Board of Public Works                                     135,661
                  2,536,655        2,941,000  605 Bureau of Contract Administration                       4,336,587
                  7,484,611        7,705,000  617 Bureau of Engineering                                   8,476,768
                  2,860,175        2,795,000  663 Bureau of Street Lighting                               2,996,400
                  9,537,106       14,113,000  677 Bureau of Street Services                              14,437,402
                 35,008,258       35,008,000  701 Transportation                                         40,709,587
                    30,000           30,000  947 General City Purposes                                      30,000
                                            Special Purpose Fund Appropriations:

                                              Rail Transit Facilities
                    81,012               -  10,740  Railroad Crossing Program                                    -
                                              Transportation Demand Management System
                   468,023          613,000  10,607  Bicycle Path Maintenance                              613,000
                    79,193          150,000  10,611  Bicycle Plan/Program - Other                          150,000
                   100,000          550,000  10,694  L. A. Neighborhood Initiative                         550,000
                    26,013          300,000  10,756  School, Bike, and Transit Education                   300,000

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