Page 381 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 381


           Charter Section 312(g) requires that the budget provide all essential facts regarding the bonded and other indebtedness of
           the City government. Under the California Constitution, the City may issue general obligation bonds subject to the approval
           of two-thirds of the voters voting on the bond proposition. An ad valorem tax on real property is levied without limitation as
           to rate and amount to pay principal and interest on general obligation bonds. The City may also levy special taxes on real
           property based on the size of improvements (rather than assessed valuation) with two-thirds voter approval. These taxes
           may secure bonded obligation. The City may issue revenue bonds under the State 1941 Act with approval by 50 percent
           plus one of the voters, and under the City Charter, the City may establish its own procedures for issuing revenue bonds.
           Under State law, the City may also enter into long-term lease obligations without obtaining voter approval. Lease revenue
           bonds and certificates of participation may be issued, which are secured by such lease-purchase agreements. Under
           various sections of State law, the City may establish assessment or Mello-Roos districts and issue bonds for infrastructure
           improvements. The bonds are secured solely by the properties in the district. The table below summarizes the outstanding
           general obligation bonded indebtedness of the City, judgment obligation bonds, lease revenue bonds,  certificates of
           participation, revenue bonds and special assessment and Mello-Roos districts.  .

                                                  Amount                  Outstanding   Projected
                                      Voter     Issued as of  Remaining      as of      Issuance   Debt Service
                                   Authorization  7/1/22  1  Authorization  7/1/22  2   2022-23      2022-23  3

          General Obligation Bonds 4  $    2,880,248,000  $      2,194,298,000  $       685,950,000  $      739,015,000  $      388,710,000  $      114,743,690

            Zoo Facilities                   47,600,000             47,600,000                            --                   643,137                            --                 669,130

            Fire Facilities                378,506,000           378,506,000                            --              15,517,578                            --            10,729,334

            Animal Shelter Facilities             154,142,000             154,142,000                            --                4,022,599                            --              4,176,906

            Citywide Security              600,000,000             600,000,000                            --              43,109,814                            --            24,702,827

            Storm Water Projects           500,000,000           439,500,000             60,500,000          159,896,872            37,000,000            28,694,278

            Homelessness                  1,200,000,000             574,550,000           625,450,000          515,825,000          351,710,000            45,771,215

          Lease Obligations                N/A        2,611,804,160  N/A       1,401,266,021                            --          176,530,838

          Pershing Square (Mello-Roos)     N/A               8,500,000  N/A                            --                            --                            --

          Convention Center
            Lease Obligations              N/A           532,309,709  N/A            12,905,000                           --            13,136,774

          Staples Arena                                 N/A             45,580,000  N/A              3,385,000                             --              3,445,795

            DEBT SERVICE TO GENERAL FUND REVENUES AND SPECIAL TAXES**                              $      307,857,097
             (% of General Revenues)                                                                      4.1%
          Revenue Bonds
            Wastewater 5          $      3,500,000,000  $      3,683,361,474  N/A  $   2,536,220,000                            --  $      230,099,127
            Solid Waste Resources          N/A             605,150,000  N/A          147,015,000                            --            24,159,175
            Parking 6                      N/A             120,605,000  N/A                             --                             --                             --
          Special Assessment/Mello-Roos 7
            Playa Vista 8                  N/A             135,000,000  N/A           59,225,000                           --              6,953,875

              Cascades Business Park/
              Golf Course 9                N/A             11,750,000  N/A                605,000                             --                 624,360

            Legends at Cascades            N/A               6,000,000  N/A             5,470,000                           --                 306,777

            Ponte Vista                    N/A             22,410,000  N/A             22,410,000                             --                 896,400

          1 Does not include refundings and commercial paper notes, only new money bond issues.
          2 Total General Fund debt outstanding is $2,156,571,021. Total outstanding City debt including revenue and assessment obligations is $4,927,516,021.
          3 Debt service amounts for 2022-23 do not include debt service for anticipated issuances in 2022-23.
          4 The Charter limits general obligation indebtedness to 3.75% of assessed valuation. Outstanding general obligation indebtedness as of June 30, 2021 was 0.09% of
          assessed valuation. The ratio for June 30, 2022 is estimated at 0.10%.
          5 Procedural Ordinance No. 182531 effective June 10, 2013 was adopted to enable revenue bond issuances that are not subject to the voter authorization limit. "Amount
          Issued as of 7/1/22" includes bonds issued pursuant to the voter authorization limit and under Procedural Ordinance No. 182531.  These amounts do not include
          repayment of State Revolving Fund Loans outstanding in the amount of $39,338,723.
          6 The Parking System Revenue Bonds, Series 1999-A and Series 2003-A (the "Parking Bonds") were redeemed in full effective November 1, 2013. Taxable lease revenue
          commercial paper notes were issued to redeem the Parking Bonds. As of July 1, 2022, the outstanding taxable lease revenue commercial paper notes is $14,000,000.
          7 Backed solely by assessments on participating properties.
          8 Series 2003-A issued $135,000,000 in bonds for the project; was refunded as Series 2014-A during 2014-15.
          9 Formerly known as "Silver Oaks."
          **Based on projected revenues for 2022-23 plus incremental revenue from self-supporting debt, including General Obligation Bonds and the Staples Arena debt.
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