Page 385 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 385


            The Department, under its Board of Commissioners, is responsible for the management, supervision and control of all airports and airport
            facilities under the jurisdiction of the City of Los Angeles. It plans, constructs and maintains its own buildings, and controls its own funds
            in accordance with the Los Angeles City Charter.

                Actual          Adopted         Estimated                                              Projected
               Revenue          Budget           Revenue                                               Revenue
               2020-21          2021-22          2021-22                                               2022-23
            $     3,857,701,000  $           3,391,058,000  $     2,740,604,000    Available from Prior Period (1).....................................       $        3,403,724,000
                   1,072,154,000               1,312,632,000         1,363,233,000    Operating Revenue......................................................           1,697,989,000
                       105,520,000                    72,280,000             84,000,000    Non-Op Inc & Accting Adj for Cash .............................              289,000,000

                    2,054,545,000               2,835,005,000         2,678,801,000    Proceeds from debt issuance.......................................           2,166,450,000
                        32,606,000                    45,976,000             63,200,000    CFC Collections...........................................................                82,062,000

                        68,748,000                    85,712,000           111,128,000    PFC Receipts..............................................................              143,044,000

                       313,032,000                    32,353,000             32,353,000    Grants Reimbursements - LAX....................................                     38,238,000

                        18,698,000                    28,375,000             28,375,000    Grants Reimbursements - VNY....................................                17,207,000

            $     7,523,004,000  $           7,803,391,000  $     7,101,694,000  Total Receipts................................................................       $        7,837,714,000
                Actual          Adopted         Estimated                                              Projected
              Expenditures      Budget         Expenditures                                          Appropriation
               2020-21          2021-22          2021-22                                               2022-23
            $        494,046,000  $              473,798,000  $        471,063,000    Total Salaries and Benefits..........................................      $          502,302,000
                      298,732,000                  433,725,000             428,265,000    Total Materials, Supplies and Services........................                  489,185,000
            $        792,778,000  $              907,523,000  $        899,328,000  Total Maintenance and Operations Exp (Sch. 2)  $          991,487,000

            $            3,009,000  $                25,984,000  $           9,202,000    Equipment and Vehicles..............................................  $            31,624,000

                      543,818,000                  135,042,000             30,000,000    PFC/CFCFunded Capital Expenditures........................                  5,000,000
                        54,498,000                    50,239,000             32,353,000    Grant Funded Capital Expenditures.............................                63,373,000

                   2,002,589,000               1,814,719,000         1,719,502,000    Revenue Funded Capital Expenditures........................           2,442,644,000
                      238,918,000                      4,501,000               5,500,000    Oth Non-Op Exp & Adj:Payables/Capitalization...........                  5,610,000
                   1,146,790,000               1,168,591,000         1,002,085,000    Bond Redemption and Interest.....................................           1,027,772,088
            $     3,989,622,000  $           3,199,076,000  $     2,798,642,000  Total Non-operating & Capital Expenditures..................       $        3,576,023,088
            $        237,807,000  $              233,904,000  $        233,904,000    Reserve for Maintenance and Operations....................    $          247,872,000
                      123,863,000                  120,000,000             120,000,000    Reserve for Self-Insurance Trust.................................              240,000,000
                        92,680,000                    91,096,000           155,880,000    Committed CFC Collections.........................................              237,942,000

                      219,965,000                  171,807,000           233,586,000    Committed PFC Collections.........................................              225,747,000

                      733,855,000               2,146,478,000         1,958,642,000    Other Restricted Funds................................................              995,027,000
                   1,332,434,000                  933,507,000             701,712,000    Revenue Fund Reserve...............................................           1,323,616,000

            $     2,740,604,000  $           3,696,792,000  $     3,403,724,000  Total Reserves..............................................................  $       3,270,204,000
            $     7,523,004,000  $           7,803,391,000  $     7,101,694,000  Total Appropriations.......................................................  $       7,837,714,000

            1 Available from Prior Period includes the Total Reserves.
            Note: Figures vary slightly from Department's Annual Financial Report due to rounding.

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