Page 417 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 417


                                        FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS SYSTEM

            The Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners has the sole and exclusive responsibility for the administration of the
            System and investment of monies in the funds of the Fire and Police Pensions System, and administers the provisions of the
            Charter relative to service, disability, and survivor pensions for members of the Fire and Police Departments and certain Harbor
            Port Police and Airport Peace Officers.

                                Adopted         Estimated                                               Budget
               Receipts         Budget          Receipts                                             Appropriation
               2020-21 1        2021-22          2021-22                                               2022-23 2,3
            $       736,508,661  $       721,998,264  $       721,998,000    City Contribution (General Fund)..........................  $       667,422,703
                        (2,399,556)              (2,191,000)              (2,191,000)    less: Excess Benefit Plan.....................................              (2,569,000)
                         5,510,840               5,946,499               5,943,000    Harbor Revenue Fund..........................................               5,637,470
                         2,223,814               2,277,580               2,840,000    Airport Revenue Fund..........................................               3,341,935
            $       741,843,759  $       728,031,343  $       728,590,000    City Contributions to LAFPP (All Sources)............  $       673,833,108
                     157,785,911           165,516,117           149,790,000    Member Contributions..........................................           167,819,149
                     609,902,322           506,000,000           506,000,000    Earnings on Investments......................................           506,000,000
                  2,279,392,209                             --                             --    Gain (Loss) on Sale of Investments......................                             --
                            739,998                  500,000                  456,000    Miscellaneous......................................................                  500,000
            $     3,789,664,199  $     1,400,047,460  $     1,384,836,000    Total Receipts.....................................................   $     1,348,152,257

                                Adopted         Estimated                                               Budget
             Expenditures       Budget        Expenditures                                           Appropriation
               2020-21 1        2021-22          2021-22                                               2022-23
            $       770,714,705  $       826,000,000  $       805,361,000    Service Pensions.................................................    $       856,000,000
                     156,462,097           137,300,000           120,606,000    Service Pensions - DROP payout.........................           211,740,500
                     111,657,072           113,000,000           108,537,000    Disability Pensions...............................................             113,000,000
                     140,369,541           146,000,000           143,789,000    Surviving Spouses'/DP Pensions.........................             149,000,000
                         3,203,071               3,400,000               3,834,000    Minors'/Dependents' Pensions.............................                 4,100,000
                         4,556,135               4,100,000               6,216,000    Refund of Contributions........................................                 6,300,000
                  1,186,962,621        1,229,800,000        1,188,343,000    Subtotal Pension Benefits....................................        1,340,140,500

                     133,192,395           142,000,000           126,846,000    Health Insurance Subsidy.....................................           142,000,000
                         4,532,889               5,000,000               4,647,000    Dental Insurance Subsidy.....................................               5,200,000
                       12,811,006             16,500,000             12,763,000    Medicare Reimbursement....................................             16,000,000
                         1,319,104               1,500,000               1,587,000    Health Insurance Premium Reimbursement.........               1,600,000
                     151,855,394           165,000,000           145,843,000    Subtotal Health Benefits......................................           164,800,000
                  1,338,818,015        1,394,800,000        1,334,186,000    Total Benefit Expenses........................................        1,504,940,500

                     136,064,510           126,402,428           142,819,000    Investment Management Expense.......................             150,221,861
                       23,513,284             25,538,810             24,836,000    Administrative Expense........................................               26,892,550
            $     1,498,395,809  $     1,546,741,238  $     1,501,841,000  Total Expenditures...............................................  $     1,682,054,911

            $     2,291,268,390  $      (146,693,778)  $      (117,005,000)    Increase (Decrease) in Fund Balance..................    $      (333,902,654)
                                                             Total Expenditures and Increase/(Decrease) in
            $     3,789,664,199  $     1,400,047,460  $     1,384,836,000  Fund Balance             $     1,348,152,257

           1) 2020-21 Actual Receipts and Expenditures are derived from LAFPP's Audited Financial Statements using the modified accrual basis.
           2021-22 Estimated Receipts and Expenditures and 2022-23 Budgeted Receipts and Expenditures are calculated on a cash basis.
           2) The total City Contribution (General Fund) in a given Fiscal Year is the sum of the General Fund and Excess Benefit Plan (EBP) line items.
           For 2022-23 these amounts total $667,422,703. Since the EBP revenue is transferred to the Controller, however, it is excluded from LAFPP
           total revenue. The Harbor and Airports contributions are calculated separately and are reflected in separate line items.
           3) In November 2016, voters of the City of Los Angeles approved an amendment to the City Charter to (1) enroll all new Airport Police Officers
           hired on or after January 7, 2018, in the Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension Plan (LAFPP) instead of the Los Angeles City Employees’
           Retirement System (LACERS); (2) allow all current Airport Police and Airport Safety Officers who started before January 7, 2018, to convert all
           of their LACERS retirement credit to LAFPP Tier 6 credit at their own expense; and, (3) give any current or future Airport Chief of Police the
           option of joining LACERS instead of LAFPP. The first contribution by Airports was made in January 2018.

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