Page 460 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 460

This Revenue Forecast Report for the City of Los Angeles provides revenue
               estimates for fiscal years 2021-22 and 2022-23  in advance of  the  City’s
               upcoming budget process. Also included are the estimated requirements for
               debt service and General Fund cash flow borrowing. The Forecast is issued
               pursuant to the Controller’s City Charter mandate to monitor and report on all
               matters relating to the City’s fiscal health, to keep the City’s official financial
               records, and to supervise City expenditures.

               This Office  based these  estimates  on information  received from  City
               departments, consultation with local economic experts and academics, and
               historical as well as recent trends.

                                                         EXHIBIT 1
                                           TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE
                                      (dollar amounts expressed in thousands)

                                                        Controller's March 1, 2022
                                                            Estimated Receipts              % Change
                                                                                     2021-22       2022-23
                                          2021-22         2021-22        2022-23    Estimate/     Projected/
                                          Approved       Estimate       Estimate     2021-22       2021-22
                                           Budget                                     Budget       Estimate
                                             (a)            (b)           (c)        (b) / (a)     (c) / (b)

                 General Fund Receipts  $      6,778,683  $     6,821,105  $     7,085,596  0.63%        3.88%
                 ARPA Transfer                  639,450         639,450        -       100.00%        -100.00%
                 Reserve Fund Transfer            85,090         85,090        -       100.00%        -100.00%
                 Total General Fund
                  Revenue                        7,503,223         7,545,645       7,085,596  0.57%     -6.10%

               The City is estimated to realize General Fund revenues in the current fiscal
               year of approximately $7.55 billion (including the $639.5 million transfer from
               American Rescue Plan Act Fund, and $85.1 million from Reserve Fund). This
               is $42.4 million  (0.57 percent) above the $7.50 billion  2021-22 Adopted

               Total 2022-23 General Fund revenues are projected to be $7.09 billion, an
               increase of $264.5  million (3.88 percent) over 2021-22 estimates after
               adjusting for the ARPA and Reserve Fund transfers. Unfortunately, due to the
               ARPA and Reserve Fund transfers in 2021-22, this will be felt in the budget as
               a drop of $460.0 million, just over six percent of General Fund revenue.

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