Page 463 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 463


                                 GENERAL FUND ECONOMY-SENSITIVE REVENUES
                                               YEAR-TO-YEAR CHANGES

              Property Tax     • Fiscal Year 2021-22
                                Total  property tax receipts  are
                                estimated to be $2.36 billion, which            Property Tax
                                is  $97.6  million  (4.3%)  above  the
                                prior year, mainly due to growth in                             $2,460,221
                                assessed valuations.
                               • Fiscal Year 2022-23                                $2,358,937
                                Total  property tax receipts  are       $2,261,356
                                projected  to  increase  by  $101.3
                                million  (4.3%)  and  reach  $2.46
                                                                        FY2020-21   FY2021-22   FY2022-23
                                                                          Actual    Estimated   Projected
                                                                         Receipts    Reciepts   Receipts

              Utility Users’  • Fiscal Year 2021-22
              Tax               Utility  User’s  Tax  receipts  were
              (Electric,        estimated based on current trends.           Utility User's Tax
              Telephone,        Electric users’ tax receipts are           Electric   Telephone   Gas
              and Gas)          estimated to be $412.2 million.
                                Telephone  users’  tax  receipts  are
                                estimated to be $102.8 million.           $72,752     $74,818
                                Gas   users’  tax  receipts  are         $113,258                  $76,718
                                estimated to be $74.8 million.                        $102,761     $89,405
                               • Fiscal Year 2022-23
                                Electric users’ tax receipts are
                                estimated  to be $427.2  million
                                (3.63% 3 years average growth).          $429,228                  $427,200
                                Telephone  users’  tax  receipts  are                 $412,236
                                estimated  to  be  $89.4  million
                                (13.0%  reduction)  based  on  prior
                                year trends.
                                Gas   users’  tax  receipts  are         FY2020-21   FY2021-22    FY2022-23
                                estimated  to  be  $76.7  million         Actual      Estimated   Projected
                                (2.54% 3 years average growth).          Receipts     Reciepts     Receipts

               Revenue F orecast Report

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