Page 53 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 53


            The list below outlines actions necessary to be taken by the Mayor and Council to effectuate the 2022-23
            Budget. These include ordinance changes and other actions.

            I.      ORDINANCE CHANGES

               1.  Authorize the issuance of an amount not-to-exceed $2.00 billion in Tax and Revenue Anticipation
                   Notes to address short-term cash flow needs and to make the full annual contribution payments
                   to the Los Angeles City Employees’ Retirement System Fund and to the Los Angeles Fire and
                   Police Pensions Fund.

            City Attorney

               2.  Request the City Attorney to prepare and present all  revenue-generating ordinances as
                   expeditiously as possible, but no later than 30 days after final budget adoption.

               3.  Request the City Attorney, with the assistance of the City Administrative Officer, to prepare and
                   present  an  ordinance establishing a new Environmental Justice/Climate Equity Fund  for  the
                   receipt and use of Climate Equity Funds from the Southern California Gas Company Franchise
                   wherein the prescribed use of funds is consistent with the intent of creating a fund that provides
                   for mitigation measures in low-income neighborhoods or populations that suffer disproportionately
                   from climate impacts.


            City Administrative Officer

               4.  Instruct the City Administrative Officer, with assistance from the Office of the City Attorney, to
                   report on a policy and cost allocation framework for making departments more accountable for
                   employment related litigation payouts, including setting liability reduction targets.

               5.  Instruct the Office of the City Administrative Officer to report on the cost and feasibility of extending
                   the Mayfair and the Grand Project Roomkey sites through July 31, 2022 and August 31, 2022
                   respectively to ensure the successful ramp down of the program by providing housing navigation
                   services and improving exit outcomes.

            General Services

               6.  Authorize the Controller and the General Services Department (GSD) to transfer funds from the
                   Motion Picture Coordination Fund No. 417 to GSD Fund 100/40, Salaries, General Account No.
                   001010,  Overtime  General  Account No. 001090, Salaries,  As-Needed  Account No. 001070,
                   Hiring Hall Account No. 001100, Construction Projects Account No. 001014,  Hiring Hall
                   Construction Account No. 001101, Hiring Hall Fringe Benefits Account No. 001120, Construction
                   Hiring Hall Fringe Benefits Account No. 001121, Construction Overtime Hiring Hall Account No.
                   001191, Maintenance  Materials Account  No.  003160, Construction  Materials  Account No.
                   003180, Office and Administrative Account No. 006010, and Operating Supplies Account No.


               7.  Instruct the Housing Department to include in its next expenditure report to the Affordable Housing
                   Linkage Fee Committee and City Council, recommendations for appropriations for two programs
                   from the Housing Impact Trust Fund as follows: 1) $2 million for an Accessory Dwelling Unit
                   program that would provide funding for low income Angelenos to build or upgrade an accessory

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