Page 99 - FY 2022-23 Proposed Budget
P. 99

                                                  SUPPORTING DATA
                             DISTRIBUTION OF 2022-23 TOTAL COST OF PROGRAMS

                                                FF2650         Total
                                              and Support

           Salaries                               3,806,876    19,725,623
           Expense                                 116,759      1,702,607
           Equipment                                    -             -

           Special                                      -             -
           Total Departmental Budget              3,923,635    21,428,230

           Support Program Allocation            (3,923,635)          -

           Related and Indirect Costs
           Pensions and Retirement                1,037,535     6,305,020
           Human Resources Benefits                406,195      2,468,413

           Water and Electricity                    73,345       445,711
           Building Services                       310,400      1,886,275
           Other Department Related Costs         2,980,525    18,112,424

           Capital Finance and Wastewater               -             -
           Bond Interest and Redemption                 -             -
           Liability Claims                             -             -

           Judgement Obligation Bond Debt Service       -             -
           Other Special Purpose Allocations            -             -
           Non-Department Allocations              519,600      3,157,567

           Subtotal Related Costs                 5,327,600    32,375,410

           Cost Allocated to Other Departments          -             -

           Total Cost of Program                  5,327,600    53,803,640

           Positions                                   26           158

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