Page 106 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 106

                                              CHANGES BY DEPARTMENT

            Department    Category              Blue Book Item Title              Dollars          Positions
                                                                                              Regular  Resolution

                       Measure W
                       Measure W     Feasibility Studies                              500,000    -         -
                                     Operation and Maintenance - TMDL Compliance    (674,022)    -         -
                                     PW-Sanitation Expense and Equipment              740,851    -         -
                                     Regional Project Development and Revolving Funds  (2,865,051)  -      -
                                     Reimbursement of General Fund Costs            2,380,529    -         -

                       Metropolis Hotel Project Trust Fund
                       Metropolis Hotel   Metropolis Hotel Project Trust Fund       3,100,000    -         -

                       Mobile Source Air Pollution Reduction Trust Fund
                       Mobile Source Air   Alternate Fuel Fleet Vehicles, Trucks, and   1,440,923  -       -
                       Pollution     Infrastructure
                                     Reimbursement of General Fund Costs            (314,839)    -         -

                       Multi-Family Bulky Item Revenue Fund
                       Multi-Family   Multi-Family Bulky Item Revenue Fund          1,260,791    -         -
                       Multi-Family Bulky Item Special Fund
                                     PW-Sanitation Expense and Equipment           (1,000,000)   -         -
                                     Rate Stabilization Reserve                       400,803    -         -
                                     Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund (Schedule 2)  (159,232)  -         -
                                     Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              556,573    -         -

                       Municipal Housing Finance Fund
                       Municipal     Technical Contracts                             (20,000)    -         -
                                     Unallocated                                    4,454,533    -         -
                                     Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              278,296    -         -

                       Neighborhood Empowerment
                       Neighborhood   Neighborhood Empowerment Fund                   717,666    -         -
                                     Neighborhood Empowerment - Future Year            5,633     -         -

                       Off-Site Sign Periodic Inspection Fee Fund
                       Planning Long-  Reimbursement of General Fund Costs            168,804    -         -

                       Permit Parking Program Revenue Fund
                       Planning Long-  Reimbursement of General Fund Costs          (274,826)    -         -

                       Planning Case Processing Special Fund
                                     Reimbursement of General Fund Costs           (2,529,027)   -         -

                       Planning Long-Range Planning Fund
                       Planning Long-  Reimbursement of General Fund Costs            701,334    -         -

                       Rent Stabilization Trust Fund
                       Rent Stabilization   Contract Programming - Systems Upgrades   18,000     -         -
                                     Engineering Special Service Fund                  5,000     -         -
                                     Rent and Code Outreach Program                   152,000    -         -
                                     Unallocated                                    3,997,498    -         -
                                     Reimbursement of General Fund Costs              867,674    -         -

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