Page 139 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 139

                                               CHANGES BY CATEGORY

           Category  Department       Blue Book Item Title                          Dollars         Positions
                                                                                               Regular   Resolution

           Continuation of Services
                                      Metro Annual Work Program                      1,515,347     -        11
                                      Pre-Development and Permit Review                122,213     -        1
                                      Principal Civil Engineer for Contracted
                                      Construction                                     179,691    1         -
                                      Proactive Tree Care Oversight and
                                      Administration                                   264,130    3         -
                                      Revised Protected Tree Ordinance and             382,959     -        3
                                      CEQA Support
                                      Risk and Liability Mitigation Program          1,225,794     -        11
                                      Roadway Infrastructure Survey                    468,157     -        1
                                      Root Pruning                                     177,481     -        2
                                      Sidewalk and Transit Amenities Program           337,977     -        3
                                      State Route 710 Mobility Improvement                   -     -        2
                                      Street Improvement Resources                   4,047,623    52        -
                                      Transportation Grant Annual Work Program      12,193,494     -       129
                                      Tree Planting                                    879,294     -        9
                                      Tree Planting Crews                              919,674     -        9
                                      Tree Trimming                                  3,846,821    41        -
                                      Tree Trimming Crews                            1,879,217     -        16
                                      Tree Watering                                    831,019     -        11
                                      Tree Watering Crews                              741,978     -        9
                                      Vision Zero Bicycle Lane Inspection and          487,333     -        6
                                      Vision Zero Concrete Construction              1,240,875     -        9
                                      Affordable Housing and Sustainable
                                      Communities Grant                                225,201     -        2
                                      AHSC Grant Implementation                        225,201     -        2
                                      Assistant General Manager - External Affairs     215,993     -        1
                                      Autonomous Vehicle Demonstrations                222,248     -        2
                                      Bikeshare and Carshare Programs                  206,538     -        2
                                      Bus Speed Improvement Projects / Metro           360,732     -        3
                                      Community Affairs Advocate                       119,746     -        1
                                      Community Assistance Parking Program             130,136     -        2
                                      Complete Streets and Capital Grants              120,008    1         -
                                      Complete Streets and Vision Zero Corridors       635,704     -        6
                                      Complete Streets - Striping                      399,109     -        6
                                      Contract and Budget Administration Support       124,577     -        1
                                      for Transit
                                      Crossing Guard Services                        1,546,956     -        1
                                      Crossing Guard Supervision                       263,850    3         -
                                      Development Review Support                       256,434     -        2
                                      Dockless Mobility Enforcement                    329,827     -        3
                                      Dockless Scooter Share Program                   414,551     -        5

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