Page 134 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 134

                                               CHANGES BY CATEGORY

           Category  Department       Blue Book Item Title                          Dollars         Positions
                                                                                               Regular   Resolution

           Continuation of Services
                    Board of Public Works
                                      City Forest Officer                              129,838     -        1
                                      CleanLA Program                                  827,000     -        1
                                      Climate Emergency Mobilization Office            349,292     -        4
                                      Graffiti Abatement Pre-Apprenticeship Job        875,000     -        -
                                      Training Program
                                      Grants Unit                                            -     -        1
                                      Homeless Services and General Fund
                                      Accounting Support                               149,156     -        2
                                      Industrial Waste Billings                         67,563     -        1
                                      Measure W Accounting Support                      67,563     -        1
                                      MICLA Accounting Support                          71,961     -        1
                                      Mobile Pit Stop Program                                -     -        1
                                      Oil and Gas Well Facility Compliance             307,653     -        3
                                      Oil Well Amortization Program                    290,789     -        3
                                      Public Works Trust Fund Accounting Support        67,563     -        1
                                      Public Works Trust Fund Permit Review             89,294    1         -
                                      Public Works Trust Fund Support                  129,838     -        1
                                      SB 1 Accounting Support                           71,961     -        1
                                      Sewer Construction & Maintenance Accounts         67,563     -        1
                                      Sidewalk Repair Program Support                  167,766     -        2
                                      Targeted Local Hire Clerical Support              55,026     -        1
                    Bureau of Contract Administration
                                      Business Intelligence and Analytics Support       96,974     -        1
                                      CLEAR Contracting Support                        121,974    1         -
                                      Complete Streets Program Support               1,005,482     -        9
                                      CORE Business Inclusion Unit                     131,508    1         -
                                      CORE Business Outreach                            50,000     -        -
                                      Metro Annual Work Program                      1,550,962     -        12
                                      Office of Wage Standards Support                 441,194     -        1
                                      Payment and Automation                            93,641     -        1
                                      Services to the Department of Water and          968,411     -        9
                                      Power (DWP)
                                      Services to the Harbor Department                818,827     -        7
                                      Services to the Los Angeles World Airports
                                      (LAWA)                                         2,662,876     -        23
                                      Sidewalk Repair Program                        1,115,873     -        9
                                      Transportation Grant Annual Work Program       1,453,988     -        11
                                      Utility Electric Meter Release Program           138,158     -        1
                                      Utility Permit Warranty Program                  281,605    2         -
                    Bureau of Engineering
                                      Above Grounds Facilities and Utility Permits
                                      and Warranty                                     815,327     -        7
                                      A Bridge Home Program                                  -     -        1

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