Page 225 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 225


                                           Projected Vacancies on June 30, 2022*  Projected Position Authorities on June 30, 2022*
                    Department           General Fund  Other Funds  Total   General Fund  Other Funds     Total
          Aging                                   2            11         13          6           44              50

          Animal Services                          55          -          55          351          4             355
          Building and Safety                     7           192        199           38         1,067         1,105

          Cannabis Regulations                     -           26         26          -           58              58

          City Administrative Officer              19         5           24          121         30             151

          City Attorney                            88          17        105          976         68            1,044
          City Clerk                               17         4           21          106         15             121

          City Planning                            49          63        112          130        371             501

          City Tourism                             -          4           4           -           12              12
          Civil, Human Rights and Equity           15          -          15           32          -              32

          Community Investment for Families       3            19         22          7           78              85
          Controller                               38         1           39          159         19             178

          Council                                    -         -          -           108          -             108
          Cultural Affairs                         -           35         35          -             91            91
          Disability                              5            -          5            31          -              31
          Economic and Workforce Development       12          36         48           31          121           152
          El Pueblo                               1           5           6           1             10            11
          Emergency Management                     11          -          11           29          1              30
          Employee Relations Board                 -           -          -           3            -             3
          Ethics Commission                        -          3           3           -           35              35

          Finance                                  83         3           86          349            9           358
           Civilian                                64         1           65          406            2           408
           Sworn                                  109          -         109         3,461          59          3,520
          General Services                        181          77        258          980          397          1,377
          Housing                                 7           107        114           39          665           704

          Information Technology Agency            103        1          104          353           71           424
          Mayor                                      -         -          -            94          -              94
          Neighborhood Empowerment                 -          7           7           -             33            33

          Personnel                                89         3           92          516         80             596
           Civilian                               646          -         646         3,303          21          3,324
           Sworn                                 1,239         -                 1,239                10,280    401    10,681
          Public Accountability                   6            -          6            10          -              10
          Public Works
           Board                                   15         9           24           72           51           123
           Contract Administration                 48          24         72          228          142           370
           Engineering                             66         110        176          324        575             899

           Sanitation                            158         582         740          418         3,153         3,571

           Street Lighting                         14          59         73           20        315             335
           Street Services                         245         143       388          596        874            1,470

          Transportation                          187         193        380         1,091         667          1,758
          Youth Development                       1            -          1           8            -             8

          Zoo                                     4            39         43          4          269             273
                Subtotal                         3,587       1,779               5,366                24,681  9,808    34,489

          Library                                  -          193        193          -           1,117         1,117
          Recreation and Parks                     -          532        532          -           1,883         1,883
                Subtotal                           -          725        725          -         3,000           3,000

                      TOTAL                      3,587       2,504               6,091                24,681  12,808    37,489

           * Projected vacancies and projected position authorities include resolution authority and substitute positions.

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