Page 34 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 34


                                                                                    2021-22 Adopted 2022-23 Proposed
                Jamie Beth Slavin Park                                                                    0.50                           -
                Jesse Owen Mini Park Improvements                                                         0.50                           -
                Mason Child Care Center Facility Renovation                                                 -                         1.10
                Reseda Park Triangle                                                                        -                         0.50
                Runyon Canyon Restroom                                                                    0.15                           -
                Sepulveda Basin Master Plan                                                               1.00                           -
                Sepulveda Basin Vision Plan                                                                 -                         2.50
                Sheldon Arleta Phase III C - Baseball Field and Picnic Area                                 -                         0.40
                Taylor Yard G2 River Park Project - Maintenance                                             -                         0.10
                Tujunga Wash Greenbelt Park                                                               0.35                           -
                Valley Plaza Park Pool Repairs                                                              -                         0.25
                Van Nuys Ruth Bader Ginsburg Monument                                                       -                         0.12
                Verdugo Hills Pool and Bathhouse                                                          0.18                           -
                Vision Theatre Equipment                                                                  1.30                         0.70
                Zoo Exhibit Shade Structure - Elephant and Giraffe Exhibits                                 -                         0.70
               Seismic and Bridge Improvements/Yards and Shops
                Bridge Improvement Program (BIP) - Program Contingency                                    0.60                         0.60
                Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement Project - Continued Construction Funding                         2.30                         2.20
                Yards and Shops - Capital Equipment                                                       0.50                         0.45
                Yards and Shops Facilities - Needs Assessment                                             2.00                           -
                Manchester Urban Homes Green Alley                                                        2.30                           -
                One Percent for the Arts                                                                  0.67                         0.33
                                                      Subtotal CTIEP Municipal Facilities $                   28.00  $                   27.31

              Unappropriated Balance Expenditures:
               Maintenance at Recreation and Parks Facilities                      $                   75.00  $                       -
               Renewable Energy                                                                         30.00                           -
               Woodman Boulevard Sidewalks                                                                1.00                           -
                                            Subtotal Unappropriated Balance Expenditures $                 106.00  $                       -
              Technology Infrastructure* Expenditures:
               General City Purposes (GCP) - Open Data and Digital Services        $                     1.25  $                     1.25
               Information Technology Agency (ITA) - Citywide Fiber Optic Network Replacement                         3.28                           -
               (LAFD) Radio Infrastructure Repairs                                                        3.77                           -
               ITA - Obsolete Network Equipment Replacement                                               2.00                         2.20
               ITA and Unappropriated Balance (UB) - Human Resources and Payroll Project                       13.24                           -
               ITA and UB - MyLA311 System Replacement                                                      -                         1.00
               ITA and UB - Regional Procurement Portal                                                   1.30                           -
               LAPD - Communication System Maintenance                                                    2.70                           -
               Office of Finance - LATAX Cloud Migration and Technology Enhancements                         1.00                           -
               Office of Finance and UB - Revenue Collections Software Support and Technology                           -                         0.70
               Public Works, Street Lighting - Asset Management System                                    1.00                           -
               Public Works, Street Services - Asset Management and Advance Planning                         2.48                         1.50
               Transportation - Curb Asset Management System                                              1.60                           -
               UB - Digital Inclusion                                                                     5.00                           -
               UB - Universal Broadband Services                                                        10.00                           -
               UB - Zoo Wi-Fi and Data Network Expansion                                                  2.00                           -
                                           Subtotal Technology Infrastructure Expenditures $                   50.62  $                     6.65

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