Page 47 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 47


             (23) Capital and Technology Improvement Expenditure Program (CTIEP) – Municipal Facilities and Physical Plant:
             The 2022-23 Budget includes a decrease in funding from the General Fund of $13.8 million for physical plant
             related capital projects and $0.7 million for municipal facilities. The 2023-24 amount deletes funding for one-year
             projects. The Outlook assumes increased funding in future years to meet the policy spending level of 1.5 percent
             of General Fund revenue for capital and technology projects.

             (24) CTIEP  –  Sidewalk: Pursuant to the settlement in the case of Willits v. City  of Los Angeles, the City is
             responsible for investing $31 million annually for sidewalk improvements through 2047, with adjustments of 15.3
             percent every five years to account for inflation and material price increases. The 2022-23 decrease of $5.1 million
             in General Fund appropriations reflects the availability of special funds to meet the adjusted $35.7 million minimum
             obligation. The 2023-24 increase of $11.9 million will increase the General Fund appropriation to $29.7 million
             annually, with the balance of the required investment covered by other sources of funds.

             (25) CTIEP – Pavement Preservation Program: The Pavement Preservation Program increase of $11.7 million in
            2022-23 reflects the restoration of General Fund for one-time efficiencies and to cover the costs shifted to special
            funds on a one-time basis in 2021-22. Future years assume that the General Fund will bear cost increases to
            maintain service levels that exceed the capacity of special funds.

            (26) Appropriation to the  Reserve Fund:  There is  no  appropriation to the Reserve Fund  in 2022-23.  No
            appropriation is included in subsequent years.

            (27) Appropriation to the Budget Stabilization Fund (BSF): Pursuant to the policy, when the combined annual
            growth for seven General Fund tax revenue sources exceeds the Average Annual Ongoing Growth Threshold,
            the budget must include a deposit into the BSF. When growth of these receipts falls short of the Average Annual
            Ongoing Growth Threshold, the Budget may include a withdrawal from the fund. Based on the projected growth
            in economically sensitive revenues, the budgeted transfer to the BSF is $64.3 million in 2022-23 and the projected
            transfer is  $2.0  million in 2023-24.  Based  on revenue projections, the policy  will not trigger contribution in
            subsequent years.

            (28) Net – Other Additions and Deletions: The 2022-23 amount includes the restoration of one-time reductions
            and efficiencies and ongoing changes and new regular positions added to the base budget. Among the significant
            increases  are  a net  increase  of  830  regular authority positions, increased appropriation to the Library,  and
            increased expenditures for hotel development incentive agreements. The remaining balance reflects new and
            increased ongoing costs to a variety of departmental programs. Subsequent years include projected expenditures
            for  the  restoration  of  one-time  expenditure  reductions,  structured  payments,  hotel  development  incentive
            agreements, the recycling incentives program, and increased appropriations to Recreation and Parks and the

             (29) Total Budget Gap: The Total Budget Gap reflects the projected surplus (deficit) in each fiscal year included
             in the Outlook.

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