Page 55 - FY 2022-23 Supporting Information
P. 55

Explanation of the Fee Change On October 20, 2021, the Council approved fees to be charged  by the Department of Transportation (DOT) to review  applications and issue permits to restaurants requesting the long- term private use of on-street space for dining (C.F. 20-1074).  The fee ordinance is currently being drafted. Approval of the  ordinance is anticipated by the end of 2021-22. The projected  revenue is included in DOT's departmental receipts as a  placehol

                  Estimated   Impact of Fee   Increase   $211,000   deposited.

            2022-23 PROPOSED BUDGET DETAIL OF PROPOSED FEE ADJUSTMENTS   Adjusted Fee Amount   Current Fee Amount    $1,200 (tier 1);  $0   $1,500 (tier 2)

                          In Street Al Fresco Application Review

                     Fee Name  Fee

                 Anticipated Date   of Ordinance   Adoption  July 1, 2022

                     Council File No.  C.F. 20-1074

                     Department   Transportation

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