Page 126 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 126

City Attorney

                                                      Municipal Law
                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
           Continuation of Services
            36. Office of Wage Standards Support                                 605,041          -       859,935
                Continue funding and resolution authority for five positions
                consisting of one Deputy City Attorney III, two Deputy City
                Attorney II, one Paralegal I, and one Legal Secretary II to
                support the enforcement of minimum wage and wage theft
                enforcement programs in the Office of Wage Standards. See
                related Bureau of Contract Administration item. Related costs
                consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $605,041
                Related Costs: $254,894
            37. Accessible Housing Program Support                               135,401          -       190,787
                Continue funding and resolution authority for one Deputy City
                Attorney II to support the Housing and Community Investment
                Department on matters resulting from the Independent Living
                Center settlement. Funding is provided by the Accessible
                Housing Fund. See related Housing and Community
                Investment item. Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $135,401
                Related Costs: $55,386
            38. Proposition HHH Legal Support                                    350,537          -       499,649
                Continue funding and resolution authority for three positions
                consisting of two Deputy City Attorney IIs and one Paralegal I
                to provide legal support for the Homelessness Reduction and
                Prevention, Housing, and Facilities Bond Issue Program
                (Proposition HHH). The costs of these positions are partially
                reimbursed by the Proposition HHH program. Related costs
                consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $350,537
                Related Costs: $149,112
           Increased Services

            39. Accessible Housing Program Additional Support                    203,100          -       293,141
                Add nine-months funding and resolution authority for two
                Deputy City Attorney IIs, subject to pay grade determination by
                the City Administrative Officer, Employee Relations Division, to
                provide additional support to the Housing and Community
                Investment Department on settlement matters resulting from
                the Independent Living Center case. These positions will assist
                on contract development and compliance, litigation, and
                enforcement in accordance with the Voluntary Compliance
                Agreement. Funding is provided by the Accessible Housing
                Fund. See related Housing and Community Investment item.
                Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $203,100
                Related Costs: $90,041

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