Page 130 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 130

                                     DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

             2018-19      2019-20      2019-20                                                             2020-21
              Actual      Adopted      Estimated                  Program/Code/Description                Contract
           Expenditures   Budget     Expenditures                                                          Amount
                                                   Criminal and Special Litigation - AB1201
          $          42,338  $          45,000  $          45,000  1. Photocopier rental......................................................................................  $          45,000
                   490,000         506,100                     -  2. Tobacco Enforcement Program compliance services.................................         506,100
                   151,533         196,290         196,000  3. Automated legal research...........................................................................         196,290
                     12,710           15,000           15,000  4. Fingerprinting services...............................................................................           15,000
                     50,636           43,000           43,000  5. Security services (Hearings Section)..........................................................           43,000
                     42,188                     -                     -  6. Personal service agreements - specialized services...................................                     -
                     79,470                     -           20,000  7. Temporary employee services....................................................................           20,000
          $        868,875  $        805,390  $        319,000            Criminal and Special Litigation Total  $        825,390

                                                   Civil Liability Management - FD1202
          $          32,150  $          34,171  $          34,000  8. Photocopier rental......................................................................................  $          34,171
                     65,349           84,650           85,000  9. Automated legal research ..........................................................................           84,650
                     56,639           55,000           55,000  10. Temporary employee services....................................................................           55,000

          $        154,138  $        173,821  $        174,000               Civil Liability Management Total  $        173,821
                                                   Municipal Law - FD1203
          $          27,908  $          29,663  $          30,000  11. Photocopier rental......................................................................................  $          29,663
                       1,000             6,000             6,000  12. Real estate tracking system.......................................................................             6,000
                     32,523           42,129           42,000  13. Automated legal research...........................................................................           42,129
                       8,580           45,000           25,000  14. Temporary employee services....................................................................           25,000
          $          70,011  $        122,792  $        103,000                       Municipal Law Total  $        102,792
                                                   Proprietary and Outside Counsel - FD1204

          $        138,912  $        136,000  $        136,000  15. CityLaw system maintenance (claims management system)......................  $        136,000
          $        138,912  $        136,000  $        136,000           Proprietary and Outside Counsel Total  $        136,000
                                                   General Administration and Support - FD1250
          $        180,094  $        180,000  $        180,000  16. Records retention.......................................................................................  $        180,000
                       6,836             7,266             7,000  17. Photocopier rental......................................................................................             7,266
                     20,237           48,000           48,000  18. Printing costs for Charter, Municipal, and LA Administrative Codes...........           48,000
                     37,905           36,000           36,000  19. Personal service agreements - specialized services...................................           36,000
          $        245,072  $        271,266  $        271,000        General Administration and Support Total  $        271,266

          $     1,477,008  $     1,509,269  $     1,003,000         TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT  $     1,509,269

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