Page 172 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 172

                                     DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

            2018-19        2019-20        2019-20                                                              2020-21
            Actual         Adopted       Estimated                    Program/Code/Description                 Contract
         Expenditures       Budget      Expenditures                                                           Amount
                                                       Citywide Planning - BB6801
      $                      2,110  $                      -  $                       -  1. Planning for infill vehicle miles traveled impacts and benefits...................  $                       -
                           12,778                       -                        -  2. MyFigueroa safety and marketing plan.....................................................                        -
                             6,503                       -                        -  3. CEQA Threshold Guide............................................................................                        -
                         244,930           400,000            400,000  4. Mobility Plan and Great Streets Initiative..................................................                        -
                         474,430        1,000,000         1,000,000  5. General Plan Update ................................................................................            600,000
                                     -           250,000            250,000  6. CEQA Screening Criteria and Impact Analysis Guidelines and updates...            100,000
                                     -           100,000            100,000  7. Cannabis Regulation support services......................................................                        -
                         735,981                       -                        -  8. re:codeLA..................................................................................................                        -
      $               1,476,732  $       1,750,000  $        1,750,000                 Citywide Planning Total  $           700,000

                                                       Community Planning - BB6802
      $                  848,412  $          487,407  $           487,000  9. New community plan program studies......................................................  $           487,407
                                     -        2,000,000         1,900,000  10. Expanded community planning program...................................................         1,500,000

      $                  848,412  $       2,487,407  $        2,387,000              Community Planning Total  $        1,987,407
                                                       Historic Resources - BB6803
      $                    46,295  $                      -  $                       -  11. SurveyLA...................................................................................................  $                       -
                           65,072             70,000              70,000  12. Mills Act.....................................................................................................              70,000
                                     -             70,000              70,000  13. Mills Act Periodic Inspection Program Coordination..................................              70,000
      $                  111,367  $          140,000  $           140,000             Historic Resources Total  $           140,000

                                                       Development Services - BB6804
      $                  121,402  $       1,464,825  $        1,465,000  14. Home-sharing platform..............................................................................  $        1,464,825
                             6,186           300,000            300,000  15. Municipal planning and land use fee studies.............................................            300,000

      $                  127,588  $       1,764,825  $        1,765,000             Development Services Total  $        1,764,825
                                                       Neighborhood Initiatives and Transit Oriented Planning - BB6805
      $                  235,975  $          855,000  $           855,000  16. Metro Transit Oriented District studies......................................................  $                       -

      $                  235,975  $          855,000  $           855,000  Neighborhood Initiatives and Transit Oriented Planning Total  $                       -
                                                       Geographic Project Planning - BB6806

      $                    91,008  $                      -  $                       -  17. Review and implementation of Zoning Administrator procedure...............  $                       -
                             1,597             15,000              15,000  18. Courier services........................................................................................              15,000
      $                    92,605  $            15,000  $             15,000   Geographic Project Planning Total  $             15,000

                                                       Major Projects and Project Plan Support - BB6807
      $                              -  $          500,000  $           500,000  19. Environmental Review Services................................................................  $           500,000
      $                              -  $          500,000  $           500,000  Major Projects and Project Planning Support Total  $           500,000

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