Page 170 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 170

City Planning

                                           General Administration and Support
           This program provides department-wide management in budget development, budget implementation, general
           administration, fiscal services, procurement and contracting, human resource management, record
           management, and facility management services.  Additionally, this program oversees the coordination of
           Commission meetings and provides direct staff support for operating programs.

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special

             Apportionment of Changes Applicable to Various Programs          (1,292,338)         1    (1,591,847)
             Related costs consist of employee benefits.
             SG: ($1,292,338)
             Related Costs: ($299,509)
           Continuation of Services

            44. Administration and Commission Support                            470,373          3       684,030
                Continue funding and resolution authority for two positions
                consisting of one Management Analyst and one Payroll
                Supervisor, and continue funding and add regular authority for
                three positions consisting of one Chief Management Analyst,
                one Department Chief Accountant I, and one Administrative
                Clerk to support the Department and multiple commissions with
                contract administration, payroll, fiscal management, and
                administrative services. Partial funding is provided by the
                Planning Long-Range Planning Fund ($137,110), Planning
                Case Processing Fund ($180,145), and City Planning Systems
                Development Trust Fund ($16,008). Related costs consist of
                employee benefits.
                SG: $470,373
                Related Costs: $213,657
            45. Performance Management Unit                                      170,286          -       236,354
                Continue funding and resolution authority for one Principal City
                Planner to oversee the Performance Management Unit.
                Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $170,286
                Related Costs: $66,068

           New Services
            46. Department-Wide Training                                         100,000          -       100,000
                Add one-time funding in the Contractual Services Account to
                provide training on planning law changes and best practices.
                Funding is provided by the Planning Case Processing Fund
                ($40,000), Planning Long Range Planning Fund ($40,000), and
                City Planning Systems Development Trust Fund ($20,000).
                EX: $100,000

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