Page 173 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 173

                                     DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

            2018-19        2019-20        2019-20                                                              2020-21
            Actual         Adopted       Estimated                    Program/Code/Description                 Contract
         Expenditures       Budget      Expenditures                                                           Amount
                                                       Technology Support - BB6849
      $               1,983,660  $       2,932,121  $        2,932,000  20. Technology support and maintenance......................................................  $        3,500,521
                                     -           300,000            300,000  21. Web development.....................................................................................            180,000
                                     -           100,000            100,000  22. Cannabis Regulation support services......................................................                        -
                      1,367,731           568,400            569,000  23. Hardware and software maintenance.......................................................                        -
                                     -                       -                        -  24. ZIMAS Integration with HistoricPlacesLA..................................................            200,000

      $               3,351,391  $       3,900,521  $        3,901,000               Technology Support Total  $        3,880,521
                                                       General Administration and Support - BB6850
      $                    38,807  $            26,843  $             27,000  25. Contract for cellular phone and handheld usage and maintenance..........  $             26,843
                         179,829           112,346            112,000  26. Contract for copier lease, usage, and maintenance..................................            112,346
                           40,846             14,000              14,000  27. Miscellaneous facility maintenance...........................................................              14,000
                             8,277             30,000              30,000  28. Public meeting mailing and interpretation services...................................              30,000
                                     -                       -                        -  29. Department-wide Training.........................................................................            100,000

      $                  267,759  $          183,189  $           183,000  General Administration and Support Total  $           283,189
      $               6,511,829  $     11,595,942  $      11,496,000   TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT  $        9,270,942

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