Page 197 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 197

                                     DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

              2018-19     2019-20      2019-20                                                            2020-21
              Actual      Adopted      Estimated                   Program/Code/Description               Contract
            Expenditures   Budget    Expenditures                                                         Amount

                                                   Accounting and Disbursement of City Funds - FF2601
          $                    -  $           14,480  $           14,000  1. Troy 540 MICR check printers maintenance..................................................  $           14,480
                               -            14,674            15,000  2. Moore Business Forms ..................................................................................            14,674
                     17,065             31,978            32,000  3. Check printing services and supplies.............................................................            31,978
                   371,983             85,000            85,000  4. Financial Management System support.........................................................                     -
                      68,432                     -          185,000  5. Operation review.............................................................................................                     -

          $         457,480  $         146,132  $         331,000  Accounting and Disbursement of City Funds Total  $           61,132
                                                   Financial Reporting of City and Grant Funds - FF2602
          $                    -  $                    -  $         100,000  6. CAP Consultation...........................................................................................  $                    -
                      50,500                     -                     -  7. Financial statements software assistance......................................................                     -
                               -                     -       1,340,000  8. Bank transition................................................................................................                     -
          $           50,500  $                    -  $      1,440,000  Financial Reporting of City and Grant Funds Total  $                    -
                                                   Audits of City Departments and Programs - FF2603

          $           43,120  $           50,000  $           50,000  9. Auditing continuing professional education requirement................................  $           50,000
                      45,251          300,000          300,000  10. Outside audit resources..................................................................................          300,000
          $           88,371  $         350,000  $         350,000  Audits of City Departments and Programs Total  $         350,000
                                                   Support of the City's Financial Systems - FF2604

          $                    -  $                    -  $                    -  11. Financial Management System support.........................................................  $           85,000
                        3,683              2,700              3,000  12. Data storage...................................................................................................              2,700
                      56,246                     -          250,000  13. PaySR technical support................................................................................                     -
          $           59,929  $             2,700  $         253,000  Support of the City's Financial Systems Total  $           87,700

                                                   Citywide Payroll Administration - FF2605
          $                    -  $           35,000  $                    -  14. MyPayLA maintenance...................................................................................  $           35,000
          $                    -  $           35,000  $                    -  Citywide Payroll Administration Total  $           35,000
                                                   General Administration and Support - FF2650

          $                    -  $                    -  $         101,000  15. Socrata Open Data Platform..........................................................................  $                    -
                      56,649                     -                     -  16. Technology services.......................................................................................                     -
                      17,507                     -                     -  17. Executive support...........................................................................................                     -
                      22,950            44,548            45,000  18. Copy machines lease.....................................................................................            44,548
                           514              5,000              5,000  19. Shredding services.........................................................................................                     -
                      20,984                     -                     -  20. Badging system..............................................................................................              5,000

          $         118,604  $           49,548  $         151,000     General Administration and Support Total  $           49,548
          $         774,884  $         583,380  $      2,525,000    TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT  $         583,380

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