Page 352 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 352

General Services

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
           Increased Services
            11. Custodial and Pest Control Services                             576,300          -       576,300
                Add ongoing funding in the Hiring Hall Salaries ($100,000),
                Benefits Hiring Hall ($50,000), and Contractual Services
                ($418,200) accounts, and add one-time funding in the
                Custodial Supplies Account ($8,100) for pest control services
                in the Civic Center and at City-owned facilities outside of the
                Civic Center, exterior custodial and pressure washing
                services at various municipal buildings, and biohazardous
                waste disposal.
                SHH: $100,000   SHHFB: $50,000    EX: $426,300
           Efficiencies to Services
            12. Hiring Freeze Policy                                         (4,754,218)         -    (6,257,501)
                Reduce funding in the Salaries General Account, as a one-
                time budget reduction, to reflect savings generated by
                maintaining vacancies consistent with the hiring freeze policy.
                Partial funding is provided by various special funds
                ($512,810). Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: ($4,754,218)
                Related Costs: ($1,503,283)

            13. One-Time Salary Reduction                                      (810,936)         -    (1,063,623)
                Reduce funding in the Salaries General Account, as a one-
                time budget reduction, to reflect savings generated by
                positions filled in-lieu, maintaining vacancies, and anticipated
                attrition. Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: ($810,936)
                Related Costs: ($252,687)
            14. Expense Account Reduction                                    (2,449,788)         -    (2,449,788)
                Reduce funding in the Contractual Services ($500,000) and
                Utilities Expense Private Company  ($449,788) accounts on
                an ongoing basis, and reduce funding in the Contractual
                Services ($500,000) and Petroleum ($1,000,000) accounts on
                a one-time basis, to reflect anticipated expenditures, which
                include savings achieved due to Departmental efficiencies
                and expenditure reductions.
                EX: ($2,449,788)
           Reduced Services
            15. Furlough Program                                            (11,255,280)         -   (11,255,280)
                Reduce funding to reflect 26 fewer working days consistent
                with the furlough program for civilian employees. Select
                departments and position classifications are exempt from the
                furlough program. Partial funding is provided by various
                special funds ($3,635,299).
                SG: ($11,255,280)

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