Page 36 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 36

Animal Services

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
           Deletion of One-Time Services
             5. Deletion of Funding for Resolution Authorities                 (708,546)         -    (1,122,259)
                Delete funding for 18 resolution authority positions.
                Resolution authorities are reviewed annually and continued
                only if sufficient funding is available to maintain the current
                service level.  Related costs consist of employee benefits.

                18 positions are continued:
                Animal Licensing Canvassing Program (Eight positions)
                Administrative Citation Enforcement Program (Two positions)
                Veterinary Medical Support (Six positions)
                Public Information Director (One position)
                Call Center System Support (One position)
                SG: ($708,546)
                Related Costs: ($413,713)
             6. Deletion of One-Time Salary Funding                            (456,496)         -      (598,740)
                Delete one-time Salaries, General funding. Related costs
                consist of employee benefits.
                SG: ($456,496)
                Related Costs: ($142,244)
             7. Deletion of One-Time Expense Funding                           (234,660)         -      (234,660)
                Delete one-time expense funding.
                EX: ($234,660)
           Restoration of Services
             8. Restoration of One-Time Expense Funding                           84,151         -        84,151
                Restore funding in the Salaries, As-Needed Account that was
                reduced on a one-time basis in the 2019-20 Adopted Budget.
                SAN: $84,151
           Efficiencies to Services
             9. Hiring Freeze Policy                                           (889,145)         -    (1,170,293)
                Reduce funding in the Salaries General Account, as a one-
                time budget reduction, to reflect savings generated by
                maintaining vacancies consistent with the hiring freeze policy.
                Partial funding is provided by the Animal Sterilization Fund
                ($7,537). Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: ($889,145)
                Related Costs: ($281,148)
           Reduced Services

            10. Furlough Program                                             (2,306,740)         -    (2,306,740)
                Reduce funding to reflect 26 fewer working days consistent
                with the furlough program for civilian employees. Select
                departments and position classifications are exempt from the
                furlough program. Partial funding is provided by the Animal
                Sterilization Fund ($19,531) and the Code Compliance Fund
                SG: ($2,306,740)

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