Page 439 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 439

                                DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

       2018-19       2019-20       2019-20                                                                 2020-21
        Actual       Adopted      Estimated                     Program/Code/Description                  Contract
     Expenditures    Budget      Expenditures                                                              Amount

                                                Public Safety Applications - AE3201
   $                     -  $         140,452  $         140,000  1. Geographic Information Systems software maintenance............................  $         140,452
                 2,430              5,081              6,000  2. Public safety system support......................................................................              5,081

   $             2,430  $         145,533  $         146,000                Public Safety Applications Total  $         145,533
                                                Public Safety Communications - AE3202

   $         288,150  $         128,000  $         128,000  3. Avionics fleet parts maintenance................................................................  $         128,000
             185,161          433,818          434,000  4. Base communication equipment maintenance...........................................          433,818
             119,099          262,426          262,000  5. Fire / Police dispatch maintenance.............................................................          262,426
   $         592,409  $         824,244  $         824,000               Public Safety Communications Total  $         824,244

                                                Customer Engagement - AH3203
   $           55,320  $         109,924  $         110,000  6. 3-1-1 hardware and software maintenance.................................................  $         109,924
             158,430          165,000          165,000  7. Citywide social media platform...................................................................          165,000
               35,483                      -                      -  8. Channel 35.................................................................................................                      -
             205,280          350,759          350,000  9. Customer Relationship Management system support................................          350,759
                         -            80,000            80,000  10. ShakeAlertLA.............................................................................................                      -
   $         454,513  $         705,683  $         705,000                     Customer Engagement Total  $         625,683

                                                Client Services and Support - FP3206
   $                     -  $           63,245  $           63,000  11. Citywide Electronic Forms Project..............................................................  $           63,245
          1,346,054       1,067,683       1,068,000  12. Citywide workstation equipment and software maintenance.......................       1,067,683
               15,990            57,075            57,000  13. Document management licenses and maintenance...................................            57,075
             778,617          852,397          852,000  14. Google licenses..........................................................................................          852,397
               42,544          213,750          214,000  15. Internal workstation equipment and software maintenance........................          100,000
               92,169          300,000          300,000  16. Data analytics platform...............................................................................                      -
                         -                      -                      -  17. ShakeAlertLA.............................................................................................          100,000
                 8,255            85,000            85,000  18. Mayor and Council support.........................................................................            85,000
   $      2,283,629  $      2,639,150  $      2,639,000                    Client Services and Support Total  $      2,325,400
                                                Enterprise Applications - FP3207

   $                     -  $                768  $             1,000  19. Departmental off-site storage and disaster recovery..................................  $                768
               78,687          750,000          750,000  20. Financial ecosystem database support......................................................          300,000
          8,230,927       5,287,620       5,287,000  21. Financial Management System managed application support....................       5,287,620
             105,398       6,000,000       6,000,000  22. Human Resource and Payroll Project.........................................................       8,125,417
                    330            85,000            85,000  23. Mobile application software and hosting services.......................................            85,000
                         -          250,000          250,000  24. One Digital City Project..............................................................................                      -
             819,342          813,278          813,000  25. Payroll System support..............................................................................          813,278
             606,040          480,641          481,000  26. Supply Management System support.........................................................          480,641
                         -                      -                      -  27. Procurement Automation Licensing............................................................          124,000
               27,530            49,500            49,000  28. Vehicle Management System support........................................................            49,500
                         -                      -                      -  29. Enterprise Documentum Migration to Cloud...............................................                      -

   $      9,868,254  $    13,716,807  $    13,716,000                           Application Services Total  $    15,266,224
                                                Enterprise and Cloud Infrastructure- FP3208
   $         502,826  $      1,177,612  $      1,178,000  30. Citywide off-site storage and disaster recovery..........................................  $      1,177,612
             236,641          240,000          240,000  31. Cloud management services......................................................................          240,000
             588,452          422,720          423,000  32. Enterprise operations (distributed operations)............................................          422,720
               34,158            59,213            59,000  33. Enterprise server printer / output maintenance...........................................            59,213
          2,371,028       3,628,152       3,628,000  34. Mainframe enterprise server support and maintenance..............................       3,628,152
               76,651            76,308            76,000  35. Specialized custodial services for City Hall East, P-4.................................            76,308

   $      3,809,755  $      5,604,005  $      5,604,000              Enterprise and Cloud Infrastructure Total  $      5,604,005
   434   435   436   437   438   439   440   441   442   443   444