Page 440 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 440

                                DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT

       2018-19       2019-20       2019-20                                                                 2020-21
        Actual       Adopted      Estimated                     Program/Code/Description                  Contract
     Expenditures    Budget      Expenditures                                                              Amount

                                                Voice and Video Engineering and Operations - FP3209
   $             5,738  $                     -  $                     -  36. Broadband Request For Proposal..............................................................  $                     -
             313,187                      -                      -  37. Data communications maintenance...........................................................                      -

   $         318,925  $                     -  $                     -  Voice and Video Engineering and Operations Total  $                     -
                                                Data Engineering and Operations - FP3210

   $         373,115  $                     -  $                     -  38. Fiber network maintenance........................................................................  $                     -
               31,606          379,518          380,000  39. Internet services.........................................................................................          175,000
          1,726,328       1,091,474       1,091,000  40. Security operations....................................................................................       1,091,474
   $      2,131,049  $      1,470,992  $      1,471,000                Data Engineering and Operations Total  $      1,266,474

                                                Business Applications and Web Services - FP3211
   $                     -  $         100,000  $         100,000  41. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)Section 508 compliance...................  $         100,000
             148,731            15,000            15,000  42. Business Assistance Virtual Network (BAVN) software maintenance.........            15,000
               36,349            30,000            30,000  43. Service On-Line System software maintenance.........................................            30,000
             295,754          223,000          223,000  44. Web services.............................................................................................          223,000
   $         480,833  $         368,000  $         368,000       Business Applications and Web Services Total  $         368,000

                                                General Administration and Support - FI3250
   $         315,295  $           41,766  $           42,000  45. General office copier lease.........................................................................  $           41,766
                 1,319            11,875            12,000  46. Security Access Systems maintenance......................................................            11,875
   $         316,614  $           53,641  $           54,000        General Administration and Support Total  $           53,641

   $    20,258,413  $    25,528,055  $    25,527,000              TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT   $    26,479,204

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