Page 436 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 436

Information Technology Agency

                                            Data Engineering and Operations
           Priority Outcome: Make Los Angeles the best run big city in America
           This program operates and maintains the City's data and wireless communications systems and designs and
           manages network infrastructure projects.

                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special

             Apportionment of Changes Applicable to Various Programs          (2,398,790)          -   (2,675,149)
             Related costs consist of employee benefits.
             SG: ($1,294,272) EX: ($204,518) SP: ($900,000)
             Related Costs: ($276,359)
           Continuation of Services

            31. CyberLabLA                                                       238,011          -       338,742
                Continue funding and resolution authority for two Systems
                Programmer Is to perform cybersecurity tasks such as threat
                assessments and formulation of data security policies. The
                goal of CyberLabLA is to protect the City and the public from
                cyberattacks. Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $238,011
                Related Costs: $100,731
           TOTAL Data Engineering and Operations                              (2,160,779)          -

          D     2019-20 Program Budget                                         13,381,564        48
                 Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special         (2,160,779)          -
                2020-21 PROGRAM BUDGET                                         11,220,785         48

   431   432   433   434   435   436   437   438   439   440   441