Page 492 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 492

                                      DETAIL OF CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT
             2018-19      2019-20     2019-20                                                            2020-21
              Actual     Adopted     Estimated                   Program/Code/Description                Contract
           Expenditures   Budget    Expenditures                                                         Amount
                                                  Custody Medical Care - AH6606
         $              9,672   $            9,673  $                9,000  43. Rental/maintenance of photocopiers and miscellaneous office equipment....  $                      9,673
                        4,750              4,750                 5,000  44. Mandated medical training............................................................................                       4,750
                       11,028          117,000                         -  45. Electronic medical records for City jails.........................................................                   117,000
                                                46. Emergency medical services for persons in LAPD custody
                  1,437,463       3,800,000          3,550,000  (service is provided at various hospitals)......................................................                3,800,000
         $        1,462,913   $     3,931,423  $         3,564,000             Custody Medical Care Total  $               3,931,423
                                                  Equal Employment Opportunity - EB6607
         $              3,892   $            3,892  $                4,000  47. Rental/maintenance of photocopiers and miscellaneous office equipment....  $                      3,892
                       31,711            28,500               29,000  48. Independent discrimination complaint investigator........................................                     28,500
                              -            100,000             100,000  49. Employment law experts...............................................................................                              -
                              -            120,000             120,000  50. Transgender sensitivity training....................................................................                              -
                     112,500            52,500               52,000  51. Sexual harassment prevention.....................................................................                              -
         $           148,103   $        304,892  $            305,000   Equal Employment Opportunity Total  $                    32,392
                                                  Employee Training and Development - FE6608

         $              2,006   $            2,006  $                2,000  52. Rental/maintenance of photocopiers and miscellaneous office equipment....  $                      2,006
                        3,405          143,008               43,000  53. Workplace violence prevention training........................................................                              -
                       67,000            47,500               47,000  54. Employee training and development program support..................................                     47,500
                        7,277            47,500               48,000  55. Executive management training....................................................................                     47,500
                     250,000          370,021             370,000  56. Online training service..................................................................................                   370,021
                     200,000          300,000             300,000  57. Performance management and succession planning software......................                   300,000
         $           529,688   $        910,035  $            810,000  Employee Training and Development Total  $                  767,027

                                                  Liaison Services - FE6609
         $             11,400   $          11,400  $              11,000  58. Rental/maintenance of photocopiers and miscellaneous office equipment....  $                    11,400
                                                59. Electronic content management system annual licensing.............................
                              -              33,000               33,000  Electronic Record Keeping System (PERKS)...............................................                     33,000
                              -                       -                         -  60. Electronic content management system file ingestion...................................                              -
                       57,672            95,000                         -  61. Contract programmers..................................................................................                     95,000

         $             69,072   $        139,400  $              44,000            Liaison Services Total  $                  139,400
                                                  General Administration and Support - FI6650
         $              6,368   $            6,368  $                6,000  62. Rental/maintenance of photocopiers and miscellaneous office equipment....  $                      6,368
         $              6,368   $            6,368  $                6,000  General Administration and Support Total  $                      6,368

         $        5,132,394  $     8,256,643  $         7,483,000  TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT  $               6,917,835

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