Page 487 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume I
P. 487


                                                     Liaison Services
                                  Program Changes                           Direct Cost  Positions   Total Cost
           Changes in Salaries, Expense, Equipment, and Special
           Continuation of Services
            41. Department of Transportation Support                             366,931          -       534,991
                Continue funding and resolution authority for four positions
                consisting of two Senior Personnel Analyst Is, one Personnel
                Records Supervisor, and one Senior Administrative Clerk to
                provide human resources support for the Department of
                Transportation. Funding is provided by the Proposition A Local
                Transit Assistance Fund ($91,733), Proposition C Anti-Gridlock
                Transit Fund ($91,733), Measure R Local Return Fund
                ($91,733), and Measure M Local Return Fund ($91,732).
                Related costs consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $366,931
                Related Costs: $168,060

            42. Public Works Bureau of Street Services Support                   367,725          -       549,953
                Continue funding and resolution authority for five positions
                consisting of one Senior Personnel Analyst I, two Personnel
                Analysts, and two Administrative Clerks to provide human
                resources support for the Department of Public Works, Bureau
                of Street Services. Funding is provided by the Proposition C
                Anti-Gridlock Transit Fund ($183,862) and the Street Damage
                Restoration Fee Fund ($183,863). Related costs consist of
                employee benefits.
                SG: $367,725
                Related Costs: $182,228
            43. Public Works Bureau of Sanitation Support                        258,481          -       379,405
                Continue funding and resolution authority for three positions
                consisting of one Senior Personnel Analyst I, one Personnel
                Analyst, and one Senior Administrative Clerk to provide human
                resources support for the Department of Public Works, Bureau
                of Sanitation. Funding is provided by the Sewer Operations
                and Maintenance Fund ($121,486), Solid Waste Resources
                Revenue Fund ($121,486), and Stormwater Pollution
                Abatement Fund ($15,509). Related costs consist of employee
                SG: $258,481
                Related Costs: $120,924
            44. Department of Cannabis Regulation Support                        196,014          -       283,885
                Continue funding and resolution authority for two positions
                consisting of one Senior Personnel Analyst I and one
                Personnel Analyst to provide human resources support for the
                Department of Cannabis Regulation. Funding is provided by
                the Cannabis Regulation Special Revenue Fund. Related costs
                consist of employee benefits.
                SG: $196,014
                Related Costs: $87,871

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