Page 333 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 333
2018-19 2019-20 2019-20 2020-21
Actual Adopted Estimated Program/Code/Description Contract
Expenditures Budget Expenditures Amount
EXPO Center - DC8812
$ 296,112 $ 572,955 $ 573,000 35. EXPO Center facility and professional services …………………………....... $ 572,955
$ 296,112 $ 572,955 $ 573,000 EXPO Center Total $ 572,955
Recreational Programming - DC8820
$ 637,382 $ 160,000 $ 160,000 36. Bus rentals for youth activities …………………………………………............ $ 160,000
203,940 186,780 187,000 37. CLASS Parks tree trimming, entertainment, training services ….................. 186,780
80,595 263,600 263,000 38. Youth specialist services…………………………………………….................. 263,600
5,274 58,829 59,000 39. ITA data and phone hookup and Fire Safety Inspection ………………........ 58,829
21,259 38,000 38,000 40. Recreation center security ……………………………………………….......... 38,000
3,577 14,000 14,000 41. Camp Hollywoodland maintenance services ……………………………........ 14,000
- 1,000 1,000 42. Camp Seely housing allowance................................................................... 1,000
2,200 2,400 2,000 43. Chimney and kitchen inspection services..................................................... 2,400
5,323 5,500 5,000 44. Out-of-town camp septic tank pumping and chemical toilets services.......... 5,500
- 489,483 490,000 45. Expanded Universal Play............................................................................. -
25,546 49,749 50,000 46. Out-of-town camp waste management services ……………………….......... 49,749
$ 985,096 $ 1,269,341 $ 1,269,000 Recreational Programming Total $ 779,858
Venice Beach - DC8821
$ 65,735 $ 102,200 $ 102,000 47. Venice Beach 24-hour restroom services..................................................... $ 102,200
99,181 202,850 203,000 48. Venice Beach cameras and maintenance……………………………….......... 202,850
$ 164,916 $ 305,050 $ 305,000 Venice Beach Total $ 305,050
Public Safety - DC8823
$ - $ - $ - 49. Security camera maintenance...................................................................... $ 278,600
102,684 92,617 93,000 50. Ranger expenses ………………………………………………………….......... 92,617
$ 102,684 $ 92,617 $ 93,000 Public Safety Total $ 371,217
City Services - DC8824
$ 1,278,608 $ 1,947,767 $ 1,948,000 51. Public building landscaping ……………………………………………............ $ 1,947,767
$ 1,278,608 $ 1,947,767 $ 1,948,000 City Services Total $ 1,947,767
Technology Support - DC8849
$ - $ - $ - 52. Youth Sports Program (formerly known as Expanded Universal Play)......... $ 489,483
10,609 8,000 8,000 53. Computer training and technical services ………………………………......... 8,000
$ 10,609 $ 8,000 $ 8,000 Technology Support Total $ 497,483
General Administration and Support - DC8850
$ 116,493 $ 172,805 $ 173,000 54. Audit consulting ……………………………………………………………......... $ 172,805
891,635 763,966 764,000 55. Equipment and office machine rentals …………………………………........... 763,966
594,705 366,266 366,000 56. Waste management services …………………………………………….......... 366,266
- 59,295 59,000 57. Human resources safety training ………………………………………............ 59,295
$ 1,602,833 $ 1,362,332 $ 1,362,000 General Administration and Support Total $ 1,362,332
$ 11,295,304 $ 12,922,486 $ 12,924,000 TOTAL CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ACCOUNT $ 14,139,294