Page 334 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 334

Recreation and Parks

                    Position Counts
                                                                                      2020-21 Salary Range and Annual
             2019-20    Change   2020-21    Code                  Title

            Regular Positions
                1         -        1     0847       Astronomical Observer           2972(2)   (62,055 - 93,208)
                1         -        1     0883       Service Coordinator             4412(2)   (92,122 - 138,392)
                6         -        6     1116       Secretary                       2484(2)   (51,865 - 77,903)
                2         -        2     1117-2     Executive Administrative Assistant II  2989(2)  (62,410 - 93,772)
                1         -        1     1117-3     Executive Administrative Assistant III  3205(2)  (66,920 - 100,516)
                1         -        1     1129       Personnel Records Supervisor    2908(2)   (60,719 - 91,224)
                -         2        2     1170       Payroll Supervisor              3343(2)   (69,801 - 104,838)
                1        (1)       -     1170-1     Payroll Supervisor I            3050(2)   (63,684 - 95,693)
                1        (1)       -     1170-2     Payroll Supervisor II           3254(2)   (67,943 - 102,040)
                1         -        1     1191-1     Archivist I                     2886(2)   (60,259 - 90,514)
                13        -        13    1223       Accounting Clerk                2414(2)   (50,404 - 75,710)
                1         -        1     1253       Chief Clerk                     3257(2)   (68,006 - 102,186)
                26        -        26    1358       Administrative Clerk            1853(2)   (38,690 - 58,088)
                26        -        26    1368       Senior Administrative Clerk     2287(2)   (47,752 - 71,743)
                1         -        1     1429       Applications Programmer         2908(2)   (60,719 - 91,224)
                3         -        3     1431-3     Programmer/Analyst III          3738(2)   (78,049 - 117,220)
                1         -        1     1455-1     Systems Programmer I            4291(7)   (89,596 - 134,613)
                1         -        1     1455-2     Systems Programmer II           4617(2)   (96,402 - 144,844)
                2         -        2     1461-2     Communications Information      2287(2)   (47,752 - 71,743)
                                                    Representative II
                4         -        4     1513       Accountant                      2713(2)   (56,647 - 85,086)
                1         -        1     1517-1     Auditor I                       2913(2)   (60,823 - 91,350)
                1         -        1     1518       Senior Auditor                  3667(2)   (76,566 - 115,007)
                1         -        1     1523-1     Senior Accountant I             3150(2)   (65,772 - 98,804)
                3         -        3     1523-2     Senior Accountant II            3413(2)   (71,263 - 107,051)
                2         -        2     1525-2     Principal Accountant II         4138(2)   (86,401 - 129,831)
                1         -        1     1539       Management Assistant            2462(2)   (51,406 - 77,235)
                1         -        1     1542       Project Assistant               2462(2)   (51,406 - 77,235)
                1         -        1     1555-1     Fiscal Systems Specialist I     4333(2)   (90,473 - 135,907)
                1         -        1     1593-4     Departmental Chief Accountant IV  6067(2)  (126,678 - 190,279)
                4         -        4     1596       Systems Analyst                 3457(2)   (72,182 - 108,471)
                5         -        5     1597-1     Senior Systems Analyst I        4091(2)   (85,420 - 128,286)
                1         -        1     1597-2     Senior Systems Analyst II       5061(2)   (105,673 - 158,771)
                2         -        2     1670-1     Graphics Designer I             2355(2)   (49,172 - 73,873)
                1         -        1     1670-3     Graphics Designer III           3194(2)   (66,690 - 100,182)
                2         -        2     1702-1     Emergency Management Coordinator  4081(2)  (85,211 - 128,036)

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