Page 423 - FY 2020-21 Blue Book Volume II
P. 423
General City Purposes
2019-20 Change From 2020-21
Program Changes Adopted Budget 2019-20 Budget Proposed Budget
72. Sister Cities International. This association works to $ 2,500 $ (250) $ 2,250
foster better international understanding and
cooperation through Sister City relationships in other
countries. Funding is provided for membership dues.
73. South Bay Cities Association. This association works 46,200 (4,620) 41,580
to discuss issues pertinent to South Bay communities.
The increased funding reflects the first year of the
Association's five-year plan to cover increased
organizational costs.
74. Southern California Association of Governments 384,500 (27,129) 357,371
(SCAG). This association's purpose is to study and
develop recommendations on regional problems of
mutual interest and concern regarding the orderly
physical development of the Southern California region.
The City's dues are the largest single assessment,
which SCAG sets at 20 percent of total dues.
Membership dues have increased annually, which
correspond with Consumer Price Index increases.
Partial funding is provided by the Proposition C Anti-
Gridlock Transit Trust Fund ($30,000), Sewer
Construction and Maintenance Fund ($30,000), and the
Solid Waste Resources Revenue Fund ($30,000).
75. United States Conference of Mayors. Based in 72,000 (7,200) 64,800
Washington, D.C., this organization provides a national
forum for mayors on behalf of their cities and
represents the mayors on pertinent legislative policies
76. Westside Cities Council of Governments. This 23,000 (2,300) 20,700
organization provides a forum for discussion and
communication as well as representation advocacy on
behalf of the Westside sub-region.
2019-20 Program Budget $ 791,450
Changes in Program Level $ (78,624)